Thursday, 29 April 2021

Community Highlight: One School One Farm Shelterbelt Project

Elizabeth Bekolay shares the story behind the One School One Farm Shelterbelt Project

1. How and when did you form your group? 
The idea came in August of 2018. I was in a ceremony with some family and friends and I was praying for guidance on how to help the land and future generations. The phrase came fully formed - one school one farm. All the connections were there in an instant: the need for more biodiversity, the need for more diverse shelterbelts that provide more ecological and economic services, the need to sequester carbon, the need to care for the water cycle, the need to bridge the ever-growing rural-urban divide of community and understanding, the need to get kids' hands in the dirt and give them purpose, and the need to address nature deficit issues and to teach ecological literacy. 

Our board came together through gatherings the following winter and we were registered as a federal non-profit in July of 2019. 

2. What are your principal activities and why do you believe they’re important? 
We connect a teacher with a land steward and facilitate the relationship that will culminate in the planting of an eco-buffer, prairie strip, or whatever design adds to the biodiversity and carbon sequestration potential of the land. So far this has included consulting on design, species selection, and ecological functions. 

3. What were your successes (big or small) in 2020? 
In 2020 we planned our pilot project and, even though it was cancelled because of Covid, this gave our group and participants time to settle into the process and build further on the relationships. Many students in the class involved last year are still involved this year, so that is positive. 

4. What would you like to achieve in 2021? 
We plan to have a wildly successful pilot project season with 3 different land stewards and 4 different classes planting an ecobuffer, a prairie restoration, and a food forest. We have students growing out plants for these projects right now (photos attached of the Walter Murray Outdoor School prairie plant nursery set up). 

GROVICTORIA: Groveland Regenerative Farm and Ecole Victoria School, Saskatoon (Ben Oaken's grade 6/7 class) 
Goal: To design and plant an eco-buffer shelterbelt 
The students have been researching eco-buffer design and all of the species they hope to incorporate. They are using Minecraft to lay out the design with specific symbols and legenda to indicate the species they are adding. Grovenland has 500 trees coming in early May. 

WALTERESTORATION: Restoring 71 and Walter Murray School, Saskatoon (Outdoor School and Brian Thorstad's Grade 9 class) 
Goal: Prairie restoration 
The students have been growing prairie plants for the Restoring 71 site. With the support of the South Saskatchewan River Watershed Stewards, each student will also have a shrub to plant. The group is learning about soil health from a PhD student in soil science. 

5. If you could have 3 wishes for improving your community, what would they be? 
1. One more board member who also wants to be the treasurer 
2. Enough money to hire an executive director to keep us and all the projects organized 
3. A membership in all related organizations so that we can support good work being done around the province and country

6. Are there volunteer opportunities with your organization? If so, please describe them and indicate how people can contact you. 
Yes! Here is a list. We can offer guidance on all of these as well. Just email 
- Grow native trees, shrubs, flowers, or grasses for donating to the projects 
- Grow fruit-bearing trees and shrubs for donating 
- Create lesson plans for teachers around active engagement in ecological restoration, ecological literacy, nutrient cycling, soil health, biodiversity etc. 
- Help with our online presence (we are severely lacking in this area) 
- Become a board member (we need one with mad skills in fundraising, setting up charities, etc.) 
- And, always, fundraising! 

See Also 

We’re planning to highlight the work of volunteer organizations in our communities on a regular basis over the next year. Do email us if you would like your organization to be profiled on EcoFriendly Sask

EcoFriendly Sask supports Saskatchewan environmental initiatives through an online publication, an events calendar, small grants, and the Nature Companion website/app. You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

EcoSask News, April 27, 2021


This Week’s Highlights 
Ducks Unlimited Canada is hosting a webinar at 12 pm, Apr. 29, on natural climate solutions as part of its Wetland Knowledge Exchange. 

The recent federal budget “includes $200 million in new funding for increasing the adoption of climate-friendly practices like cover cropping, nitrogen management and rotational grazing. It also allocates $10 million over two years to facilitate a transition to clean energy from diesel-fueled farm equipment and earmarks another $60 million for the preservation of existing wetlands and trees on farmlands.” 

Upcoming Events 
Meewasin Valley Authority is inviting groups to participate in their clean-up campaign from April 22 to June 14. 

Regina’s Get Outside Kids’ Club has moved online for a few weeks. Join them for a webinar and self-guided scavenger hunt at 10 am, Apr. 28. 

Global Water Futures is launching a Virtual Water Gallery, a space for artists, water experts, knowledge keepers, and the public to co-explore water challenges from 10:30-11:30 am, April 29. Register to attend

Explore spring migration on the mid-continental and Atlantic flyways with the Nature Conservancy of Canada at 11:30 am, Apr. 29.

Participate in a City Nature Challenge by recording photos or sounds of plants and animals you see around Regina from Apr. 30 to May 3. 

Jane’s Walk Saskatoon is organizing virtual and/or self-directed walking tours for May 1. 

GreenPAC is hosting a full-day event exploring environmental leadership in Canada’s political landscape on May 1. 

City of Saskatoon residents can dispose of hazardous waste from 9 am to 3:30 pm on May 2. 

The University of Regina’s Centre for Continuing Education is offering a 4-week course on spring/summer stargazing from 7-9 pm, Wednesdays, from May 5 to 26. 

There will be a presentation on SaskPower’s net zero emissions plan at the May 5 virtual breakfast meeting of the Saskatchewan Energy Management Task Force. 

SaskOutdoors is offering weekly online workshops to train participants to become certified Growing Up WILD and Getting Little Feet WET Education facilitators from 7-9 pm, May 6, 13, and 20. 

The Saskatchewan Environmental Society is helping building operators to lower their utility bills and make their buildings more comfortable. Join them online from 9 am-noon, May 7 or 28, for a session on heating, ventilation, and cooling

Contribute your bird observations to eBird and Saskatchewan Breeding Birding Atlas in May 7, 14, and 15 indoor/outdoor workshops with Stan Shadick. 

There will be an orienteering fun day on May 8 on the River Ridge Trails near Langham.

Local News 
Prevent Irritable Sewer Syndrome, a free new educational program from Partners FOR the Saskatchewan River Basin explores ways families can keep their sewer and river systems healthy. 

“In Western Canada, the glaciers in British Columbia and Alberta and the Yukon are disappearing. They could be gone in fifty years. The prairies are warming at three times the global rate. That’s a region that will experience much more variability from flooding and drought due to the change in the snowpack, because the water in the Saskatchewan River Basin comes from the Canadian Rockies. As that snowpack disappears, the availability of all that water will change.”

From Information to Action 
The Gitanyow of northwestern BC have released a fully Indigenous-led sustainability assessment of proposed projects on their land based on Indigenous laws and traditions, science, and reconciliation with Crown governments.  

“Gardening isn’t just about plants. It’s about the entire ecosystem those plants can support.” How and why to welcome insects into your yard

For $5 a month, Leadville, Colorado’s Get Outdoor Gear Library offers “mountain bikes, hiking boots, snow shoes, hiking poles, camp stoves, ski boots. . . . If you need it for camping or hiking or adventuring, they likely have it.” 

Nature Saskatchewan has published Backyard Bird Feeding: A Saskatchewan Guide by Trevor Herriot and Myrna Pearman. 

Bees, pesticides, and environmental protests are front and centre in William Deverell’s latest novel, Stung

Atlantic Book Rescue accepts lightly used books and finds a new home for them – either for sale online or by donating to seniors’ homes, daycares, teachers, or environmentally friendly recyclers. 

EcoFriendly Sask supports Saskatchewan environmental initiatives through an online publication, an events calendar, small grants, and the Nature Companion website/app. You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner). 

Did you know? Least Chipmunk are good climbers and may build nests high above the ground or climb up a tree in cooler weather to warm themselves in the sun. (Nature Companion)

Thursday, 22 April 2021

From Ranches to Classrooms: The Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan

The Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan prides itself on tackling as many issues related to native plants as possible. You’ll find them in the field, in the classroom, and interacting with as many plant lovers as possible. 

“When Covid hit in March 2020, the vast majority of our funding had expired,” says Chet Neufeld, Executive Director. “I had no idea if our future funding would be cancelled, so I spent the next two months writing funding proposals in case our regular funding sources didn’t work out.” As it turned out, most of the regular grants were renewed with greater flexibility given the delay and the change in normal procedures. In addition, three quarters of the additional proposals were awarded so the Society’s cash flow in 2020 was the best they’d ever had. Many of the projects were for up to three years. 

The Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan has two full-time staff: Chet Neufeld and Hilary Pinchbeck, who is the program coordinator. Hilary is responsible for delivering the Rare Plants & Ranchers program. She also looks after lots of the fieldwork for other projects in the southwest of the province as this is where she lives. Contractors are hired to assist with the fieldwork. 

The NPSS staff and contractors took advantage of a dry spell in late summer to get out in the field. “We were out until the third week in September when it got too dry,” Chet says, “And we were out every day for as many days as possible.” 

Nashlyn Pasture is a former PFRA pasture that is now managed by Environment and Climate Change Canada. NPSS was hired to conduct range health assessments and plant species at risk surveys of the 250-square-kilometre site. It was all hands on deck as they placed a frame on the ground and recorded what was growing within that ¼ metre square space. They did this 10 times in every 150-metre transect, examining a total of 520 plots. The assessment followed a standard format to serve as a reference for future assessments. 

As Nashlyn Pasture is a remote site with limited accommodation, and because the pandemic posed certain complications, NPSS could only hire two contractors, but they worked flat out. “Strict Covid protocol and one trailer per person meant they were able to maintain their own bubbles with radio communication and Garmin communication devices overcoming the isolation,” Chet says. 

NPSS was also awarded funding to develop an invasive species strategy for the South of the Divide region (SOD). SOD covers 15,000 square kilometres of southwestern Saskatchewan and the project includes many different elements. “There’s very little data on invasive species in this area, so we hope to fill a void,” Chet says. “We want to work cohesively with the ranchers and other stakeholders to address invasive species and alleviate their impact on native species at risk.” Chet says there are some very large ranches in this area. “We want local adoption of the proposed strategy,” Chet explains. “We want it to be a working document rather than just another shelved report.” 

Future work will involve bringing in sheep to graze on a site invaded by leafy spurge. “It’s a riparian area,” Chet says, “so we wanted to take a conservative approach.” NPSS has also established an iNaturalist project for SOD so anyone doing invasive species work in the area, now or in the future, will be able to add to the results. 

The Native Plant Society is working with the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure to establish a pollinator planting. They have planted a wildflower seed blend in an area that had already been seeded to native grass on Highway 5 near Saskatoon. NPSS will be calling on volunteers to help bolster the number of native plants and increase density by planting some seedlings. “We can space volunteers out if Covid restrictions are still in place,” Chet explains. 

Educational Programs 
The Rare Plants and Ranchers program has been running for over 10 years and is the Society’s largest, longest-running project. NPSS works with the ranchers to help them manage their land to protect native species at risk and prevent invasive species. Over 133,000 acres of native Saskatchewan prairie are enrolled in the program. 

The Native Plants in the Classroom program provides teachers with free printed resources, online games and lesson plans, and Zoom calls so students can talk to a biologist and ask questions. “Going virtual has been an asset,” Chet says. NPSS also provides advice, plants, and seeds to schools that want to establish a native plant teaching garden. Native plants support native pollinators and students are encouraged to keep a nature journal of new pollinator species that show up once they’ve planted native seeds. 

Annual Conference 
The Native Plant Society shifted to a virtual format for their annual conference this year and was pleased with the results. The focus was on Nature to the Rescue and focused on things you can do in your local area. “Sandra Walker’s presentation was unique,” Chet says. “She live-streamed from her kitchen to show us how to cook cattail pollen biscuits, and while they baked she answered questions and described her foraging adventures.” The presentations from the 2021 conference are available on YouTube. Chet says they’re exploring some kind of hybrid system for future conferences with presentations live-streamed or recorded to post at a later date. 

“We can always use volunteers,” Chet says. “You can get your hands dirty outdoors or prepare seed packets from your own home. Critical thinkers are invaluable for reviewing reports and spreadsheets.” If you’re interested, call or email Chet and he’ll find an opportunity that matches your interests.

Photo Credits
Creek - Hilary Pinchbeck
Assessment - Chet Neufeld

EcoFriendly Sask supports Saskatchewan environmental initiatives through an online publication, an events calendar, small grants, and the Nature Companion website/app. You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

EcoSask News, April 20, 2021

trees flowering

This Week’s Highlights 
EcoFriendly Sask has partnered with Wildernook Fresh Air Learning on Rubbish Roundup 2021, Apr. 24-27. For every person in Saskatoon who spends an hour picking up rubbish, EcoFriendly Sask will donate $10 to the Saskatchewan Environmental Society. For more information, contact Wildernook. Don't live in Saskatoon? Apply for one of our Natural Areas Clean-Up Grants

The City of Regina is using Rozol in its parks to kill gophers. Rozol is an anticoagulant which causes hemorrhaging; however, it can take the animal a couple of days to die. In the meantime, these gophers can be eaten by their natural predators such as owls, hawks, foxes, and coyotes, causing secondary poisoning, which will be fatal. Once a gopher dies, it may be eaten by scavengers such as crows, or your dog may come into contact with it. If you see wildlife in the parks with symptoms, please call Salthaven West immediately at 639-999-4957 or the WRSOS hotline at 306-242-7177.

Upcoming Events 
For Peat’s Sake – Protecting Northern Saskatchewan Muskegs is hosting an online presentation on peat-free gardening at 7 pm, Apr. 20. 

As part of Canadian National Film Day, the Saskatchewan Science Centre is streaming Wonders of the Arctic throughout the day on Apr. 21 with a live Q & A with the film’s director at 6 pm, Apr. 21. Sign up for the Science Centre’s Kaleidoscope newsletter to receive the links. 

The University of Regina’s Centre for Continuing Education is offering a 2-week sampler for beginners or people interested in learning the basics of astronomy online from 7-9 pm, Apr. 21 & 28. 

Let’s Talk About Water is hosting an online Earth Day forum on the cost of climate-induced migration at 11 am, Apr. 22. 

CPAWS-SK is hosting an Earth Day Clean Up along the riverbank in Saskatoon at 1 pm, Apr. 22. 

Regina’s EnviroCollective is hosting a virtual meeting at 7 pm, Apr. 22, with speakers on energy, carbon pricing, and peat

Wascana & Upper Qu’Appelle Watersheds Association will hold a virtual annual general meeting at 2 pm, Apr. 23. 

City of Regina residents can dispose of household hazardous waste from 4-7 pm on Friday, 9 am-4 pm, Saturday, and 9 am-4 pm, Sunday, April 23-25. 

Nature Regina, along with other groups, is hosting online presentations and neighbourhood activities to celebrate Earth Day on Apr. 24. Sign up to receive a digital activity package. 

Regina Public Library is hosting an online talk on the future of EVs in Canada at 7 pm, Apr. 27. 

David Sobel will share insights from his book, Sky Above and Mud Below, at a SaskOutdoors online presentation at 5 pm, Apr. 27. 

The City of Regina is hosting an online session explaining what does and doesn’t go into your blue cart from 6:30-7:30 pm, Apr. 28.
trees flowering

“Despite long-held promises to phase out fossil fuel subsidies, Ottawa increased assistance to the industry in 2020 with public funding for pipelines, inactive well clean-up and policing of Indigenous opponents.” 

“Between 2014 and 2018, spending on lithium mining in Quebec increased by 789 percent. . . . Lithium is a non-renewable resource, a metal that needs to be extracted from salt flats or igneous rocks called pegmatites. That process requires a lot of energy and irreversibly damages landscapes and habitats while often depleting or contaminating local water sources. There’s also a serious waste problem.” 

New research from the University of Saskatchewan shows that the continents are drying out, putting water and food security at risk

From Information to Action 
“Homeowners who want to minimize attraction of disease-causing insects and maximize insect survival should install amber-colored bulbs in outdoor lights” as amber-coloured filters substantially reduce the amount and variety of insects drawn to the glow.” 

New Zealand has introduced a new law that will require all financial institutions to report the impacts of climate change on their businesses: “We simply cannot get to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 unless the financial sector knows what impact their investments are having on the climate.” 

EcoFriendly Sask supports Saskatchewan environmental initiatives through an online publication, an events calendar, small grants, and the Nature Companion website/app. You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner). 

Check out EcoFriendly Sask’s Nature Companion, a free nature app for Canada’s four western provinces

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Community Highlight: Saskatchewan Electric Vehicle Association

1. How and when did you form your group? 
The Saskatchewan Electric Vehicle Association (SEVA) was formed in 2018 by a group of environmentally conscious individuals who were looking to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles in Saskatchewan. 

2. What are your principal activities and why do you believe they’re important? 
Our largest activities are public engagement and education. In normal times, SEVA hosts events in person to address the myths and misconceptions about EVs and allow people to interact with local EV owners while taking a test ride. We also work with local governments and businesses to advocate for charging infrastructure across the province. The majority of the general public do not believe that these vehicles are feasible in our climate and that they will not suit their personal needs. Education and infrastructure are the two biggest hurdles to EV adoption in Saskatchewan. 

3. What were your successes (big or small) in 2020? 
2020 was a tough year for us due to the pandemic; however, we used this as an opportunity to work behind the scenes and strengthen our organization. SEVA continued to push for major infrastructure investments and completed online education campaigns. We were able to significantly grow our membership and gain a larger presence in the Canadian EV industry. 

4. What would you like to achieve in 2021? 
We are hoping to resume more regular public operations in 2021. We need to get back to hosting education events in person and allowing people to interact with the cars. 

5. If you could have 3 wishes for improving your community, what would they be? 
Our community would be greatly improved in 3 ways. We need to electrify public transit, create more public charging infrastructure, and generate more power from renewable sources. 

The Saskatchewan government recently announced plans to tax electric vehicles whereas other provinces are offering rebates. Members of SEVA have protested the new tax: “It’s important to bring attention to the fact that this is the first EV tax in Canada, and that’s really the opposite of the direction that we want to be moving in here in Saskatchewan.” 

See Also 

We’re planning to highlight the work of volunteer organizations in our communities on a regular basis over the next year. Do email us if you would like your organization to be profiled on EcoFriendly Sask

EcoFriendly Sask supports Saskatchewan environmental initiatives through an online publication, an events calendar, small grants, and the Nature Companion website/app. You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

EcoSask News, April 13, 2021

Ring-billed gull with crayfish

This Week’s Highlights 
The Centre for the Study of Science and Innovation Policy, JSGS, is hosting a video conference to discuss “Are SMRs right for Saskatchewan? Five questions that need answers” from 12-1 pm, Apr. 15. 

A rare, newly-discovered habitat in northern Saskatchewan is home to extraordinarily high numbers of rare species. Unfortunately, the Saskatchewan government is currently refusing to protect it from resource development. You can help by contacting the Ministry of Energy and Resources. 

Upcoming Events 
Nature Conservancy of Canada will present a new national study on the importance of wildlife corridors in a webinar at 12:30 pm, Apr. 15. 

City of Moose Jaw residents can dispose of hazardous waste from 9 am-3 pm, Apr. 17. 

Gravelbourg Green Initiatives is hosting an online composting workshop from 10-11 am, Apr. 17. 

Saskatoon Makerspace invites you to drop in and work on a sewing project with an instructor there to help from 11 am-2 pm, Apr. 17. Tickets are $50. 

Branimir Gjetvaj will discuss action for climate and biodiversity: why small steps are important at the 7 pm, Apr. 19, virtual meeting of Nature Regina. 

Regina Public Library is hosting an online talk to help you identify the birds you see in your community at 7 pm, Apr. 20. 

There will be a noon-hour webinar on native pollinators in the prairies on Apr. 20 as part of the Native Prairie Speaker Series. 

The Saskatchewan Environmental Society will hold their virtual annual general meeting and a series of short presentations on powering the transition: outstanding issues in our energy future at 7 pm, Apr. 21. 

Our Land, My People covers the impact of resource exploitation on the Lubicon Cree. The film will be shown at 7 pm, Apr. 22, in Regina. 

The Saskatoon Nature Society’s Golden Eagles invite retirees and partners who are interested in birds and the natural world to attend their field trips
Apr. 22, 10 am – Wanuskewin Heritage Park 
Apr. 29, 8 am – Waterfowl Trip
Ring-billed gull

Local News 
The Saskatchewan government plans to tax electric vehicles. Other provinces are offering rebates. The government has also cut the funding for the provincial office responsible for climate change policy by almost 50%. 

Saskatoon’s spruce trees could be at risk as drought makes them more susceptible to insects and disease. 

From Information to Action 
Three Canadian trucking companies are employing emission-reducing solutions that also improve their bottom line. Musket Transport “provides training to drivers on fuel-efficient driving techniques, such as reducing acceleration and deceleration, and identifying optimal speeds.” Canadian Tire is using one third less fuel by replacing two trucks with one long multi-trailer vehicle. Erb Transport is employing a variety of tactics to reduce drag and rolling resistance. 

There’s a lot of hype about green hydrogen. But the questions remain: Make it from what? Move it how? At what cost? And who benefits? 

Light pollution is increasing at more than 2% per year and has a surprising number of implications, including increased transmission of the West Nile Virus, changes in landscape, and interfering with the food supply for entire marine ecosystems. 

The GHG+H2O Green Facility Toolkit provides health care organizations with a specialized package of educational materials, awareness tools, and technical resources. 

Food for Thought 
“Nobody is denying that humans are exceptional. The concept of human uniqueness is only a problem when we deny the beauty and necessity both of our animal lives and the lives of other animals. . . . We’re only at the beginning of scientific discoveries about the way memory and intentions grip animal bodies from tip to claw. Eventually, we’re going to have to reckon with the true complexity of the other lives that surround us.” 

Avian Magic 
To power their perilous migratory journeys, birds undergo extreme feats like doubling their body weight and rearranging or even consuming their internal organs. 

16 fabulous photographs of birds, from a comical duckling and a surfing penguin to sunlit birds of happiness. 

Did you know? Nesting colonies of Ring-billed Gull normally include a few two-female couples, both of whom lay a clutch of eggs. (Nature Companion)

EcoFriendly Sask supports Saskatchewan environmental initiatives through an online publication, an events calendar, small grants, and the Nature Companion website/app. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner). 

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Early-Flowering Trees and Shrubs on the Canadian Prairies

Aspen flowering

They may not be as showy as crocuses or violets, but trees have flowers too. You just have to look a little closer. 

Aspen prefer cold regions with cool summers (it grows at higher elevations in warmer regions). Trembling Aspen is found throughout Canada and the United States. It’s a slender tree (20-80 ft tall) with heart-shaped leaves that turn yellow in the fall. The leaf stem is flat and set at a 90-degree angle to the leaf, causing them to tremble in even a gentle breeze. Aspen has greenish-white bark with dark ridges on older trees. 

Male and female flowers are found on separate trees, appearing before the leaves. The catkins resemble soft caterpillars dangling from the twigs. The male flowers appear first, releasing pollen into the air. The female catkins turn green and form capsules that later release loose cottony seeds. 

Did you know? Trembling Aspen's roots send up shoots or suckers and can form large stands of up to 100 acres of identical trees or clones. Individual trunks die, but the roots can live on for hundreds or even thousands of years.
early flowering poplars

Balsam Poplar 
Balsam Poplar is a slender tree with a straight trunk and a narrow crown (65-100 ft tall). The leaves are shiny and dark green with a pointed tip. It’s often found in floodplains as it grows best in moist, rich soil with plenty of sunlight. 

Long catkins (3 in) on the male trees are the first to appear in the spring, followed by large, sticky leaf buds that smell of balsam. Balsam Poplar, Aspen, and Cottonwood are members of the same family, which explains why they all produce similar loose cottony seeds. 

Did you know? Bees sometimes use Balsam Poplar's resin to disinfect their hives.
Birch against sky

Birch (20-70 ft) is common in the temperate and boreal forests of Canada. It has triangular green leaves with serrated edges that turn yellow and then fall in autumn. The bark on mature trees is white and peels in paper-like strips. 

Both male and female catkins appear on the same tree, before or at the same time as the leaves. The male flowers dangle from the twigs, while the female flowers are upright and inconspicuous. When the female flower matures, it releases winged seeds. 

Did you know? Birch syrup can be made from the sap of the tree. It’s been described as tasting of caramel with a hint of spiciness.
bee on willow catkins

More than 100 species of Willow are native to North America. Willows have long, narrow leaves and thrive in moist soil. Black Willow is North America’s largest native willow (10-60 ft tall). It's a fast-growing tree with several trunks growing out from the root and an open crown. Peachleaf Willow is a medium-sized tree (35-40 ft) and usually has a single trunk. 

Male and female flowers are found on separate trees, appearing in early spring just before the leaves. Male flowers are longer and fall from the tree once they've released their pollen. 

Did you know? Young willow branches are very flexible and can be used to make baskets, fences, or other objects.
Wolf Willow flowers

Wolf-willow flowers in late May/June, later than the other trees mentioned but merits inclusion because it has such a distinctive musky-sweet scent. Wolf-willow is a small shrub (under 7 ft) with silver oval leaves and small yellow flowers that mature into silvery berries. Despite its name, it isn’t a willow at all but belongs to the oleaster (wild olive) family. 

Did you know? Indigenous peoples of North America used the large, yellow-striped seeds to make necklaces and the fibrous bark can be twisted to make rope. 

Nature Companion 
You’ll find lots more information about trees and shrubs on EcoFriendly Sask’s Nature Companion, an entry-level nature app for Canada’s four western provinces. 

See Also 

EcoFriendly Sask supports Saskatchewan environmental initiatives through an online publication, an events calendar, small grants, and the Nature Companion website/app. You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).

Tuesday, 6 April 2021

EcoSask News, April 6, 2021

squabbling geese

This Week’s Highlights 
An online webinar hosted by the Nature Conservancy of Canada will discuss the importance of community pastures at 11:30 am, Apr. 8. 

The Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan has added 3 new plant checklists to their website: two from Pine Cree Regional Park (grassland and forest) and one from Batoche National Historic Site. 

Upcoming Events 
Saskatoon Public Library is offering a virtual workshop on camping with babies and toddlers from 7-8 pm, Apr. 12. 

SaskOutdoors is hosting online training to introduce educators to Flying Wild from 7-9 pm, Apr. 14 and 21. 

Saskatoon Public Library is hosting an online discussion for teens about making our community more sustainable from 6-7 pm, Apr. 15. 

Katie Harris will discuss Saskatoon’s urban wildlife monitoring project at the 7:30 pm, Apr. 15, online meeting of the Saskatoon Nature Society. 

Looking Ahead 
Saskatoon Young Naturalists are planning a crocus hike on Apr. 24/25 and pond dipping on May 1. Space is limited; register early to avoid disappointment

Registration is now open for the Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council’s virtual Waste ReForum from Apr. 27-29. 

Join Stan Shadick for a May series (May 9, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24 & 25) of online and outdoor (Saskatoon) workshops designed to improve your skills at identifying common bird songs in the prairie provinces. Proceeds will go to support Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation

From Information to Action
Urban gardens are an important source of nectar and floral diversity for insects and compare favorably with rural areas. 

Greater sage-grouse populations in the US have fallen by 80% since 1965. The report recommends a proactive approach alerting government agencies when local sub-populations are in trouble

leafcutter ant

Empire of Ants: The Hidden Worlds and Extraordinary Lives of Earth’s Tiny Conquerors, Susanne Foitzik & Olaf Fritsche: “Just like us, ants grow crops, raise livestock, tend their young and infirm, and make vaccines. And, just like us, ants have a dark side: They wage war, despoil environments, and enslave rivals—but also rebel against their oppressors.”

Kidnapper ants can’t feed themselves. Instead, they kidnap other ants and brainwash them into looking after the kidnapper ants’ young, foraging for food, chewing it, and feeding it to their kidnappers. [5-minute video

Book Reviews 
In A World on the Wing: The Global Odyssey of Migratory Birds, Scott Weidensaul conveys his joy and amazement at the ability of birds to navigate the hemisphere. 

Beyond Capitalist Realism: The Politics, Energetics, and Aesthetics of Degrowth by Samuel Alexander explores, in a series of essays, “post-capitalism by design not disaster,” covering topics such as simple living, land and housing options, and monetary theory. 

Post Growth: Life after Capitalism by Tim Jackson is “perhaps the most imaginative book I’ve read on the topic of economic growth, a lyrical and thoughtful account of where capitalism fails and the many ways that things could be done better.” 

Have you spotted any butterflies this spring? Mourning Cloak Butterfly overwinter as adults in tree cavities, under bark, or in unheated buildings. Once they come out of hibernation, the males perch in a sunny spot and wait for a female to flutter by so that they can mate. They die soon after the eggs are laid. 

Check out EcoFriendly Sask’s Nature Companion, a free nature app for Canada’s four western provinces 

EcoFriendly Sask supports Saskatchewan environmental initiatives through an online publication, an events calendar, small grants, and the Nature Companion website/app. You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).

Sunday, 4 April 2021

2021 Natural Areas Clean-Up Grants

The snow has melted and laid bare the garbage along our riverbanks and trails and in our parks. It’s time to spring clean our communities and we’re encouraging youth and community groups in Saskatchewan to head outside and clean up their favorite outdoor space. 

EcoFriendly Sask is offering a limited number of $500 grants to local organizations for cleaning up a natural area in or around their community. Priority will be given to groups who will use the grant to support environmental/nature activities that protect, preserve, or repair the natural, non-human environment. Apply by sending us an email telling us about your group and your clean-up plans. We’ll let you know whether or not your grant application is approved. 

Groups that are approved for a grant will be sent a cheque once we’ve received a photograph of some of your clean-up crew and the garbage collected. 

We want you to stay safe! Please follow the current Covid guidelines for your community. Collect garbage in individual family bubbles or wearing masks and maintaining social distancing. 

Did you spot any wildlife or flowering plants while you were outside? We’d love to hear about your wild encounters! With EcoFriendly Sask’s Nature Companion app on your phone, you’ll have easy access to information about over 300 common plants, trees, birds, animals, insects, reptiles and amphibians. 

EcoFriendly Sask supports Saskatchewan environmental initiatives through an online publication, an events calendar, small grants, and the Nature Companion website/app. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).

Thursday, 1 April 2021

Community Highlight: Rita's Re-Coop-eration

Rita Schmidt rehabilitates orphaned or injured pigeons. Here is her story. 

1. How and when did you form your group? 
 I am an affiliated rehabilitation facility under the umbrella of Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation. So far I haven't come up with a name for myself . . . maybe "Rita's Re-Coop-eration? 

2. What are your principal activities and why do you believe they’re important? 
I rehabilitate pigeons that are either orphaned or injured. To me this is important because pigeons are lovely birds and they need every chance in life. I house, feed, and clean up after the birds. I encourage them when they're first learning to fly and when they learn to eat seed. Once a pigeon is ready to "graduate" (flying, eating seed, fully feathered, injury healed), they go on to their final home. This is a farm outside of the city with ready access to daily food, water, and shelter. They are kept penned up there for 2-3 weeks so that they come to recognize this as their home (so they don't just fly back to the city). 

3. What were your successes (big or small) in 2020? 
I took in over 100 pigeons between June and December 2020. A large proportion of these were able to "graduate." There was unfortunately some mortality, but it was minimal and is to be expected when you are dealing with very young and/or sick birds. 

4. What would you like to achieve in 2021? 
I would like to make improvements to the shed where the pigeons are housed (new paint, flooring, a window that opens). I would like to improve my "success" rate. 

5. If you could have 3 wishes for improving your community, what would they be? 
The banning of Avitrol, a type of poison that is used for pigeons (and doesn't work - actually causes a resulting increase in population). ***

6. Are there volunteer opportunities with your organization? If so, please describe them and indicate how people can contact you. 
There aren't really any volunteer opportunities, especially with COVID. However, Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation is always looking for volunteers. 

*** The Wildlife Rescue Society of Saskatchewan posted the following information on their Facebook page on March 21: “From April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020 our Wildlife 911 Hotline received a total of 317 calls about injured and sick pigeons. Tragically, many of these birds passed away due to being cruelly poisoned. Many people think that poisoning is an extremely effective way to kill pigeons – WRONG! Poisoning is a very short-term control strategy as they will simply reproduce at a faster rate. Also, it’s nearly impossible to be able to target just pigeons alone – what if you accidentally poison a different bird? What if someone’s cat or dog eats a poisoned pigeon carcass? Many non-target animals end up suffering the same terrible fate that the poor pigeon did. Poisons cause the animal to suffer from a brutal death - impaired nervous systems, erratic flight, tremors, and violent convulsions. The poor bird will suffer for hours before finally succumbing to the effects of the poison. We understand that many people consider pigeons to be “pests” but no animal deserves to suffer cruelly. Please seek alternative and humane options if you are attempting to do any sort of pest control.” 

Further Information 

We’re planning to highlight the work of volunteer organizations in our communities on a regular basis over the next year. Do email us if you would like your organization to be profiled on EcoFriendly Sask

EcoFriendly Sask supports Saskatchewan environmental initiatives through an online publication, an events calendar, small grants, and the Nature Companion website/app. You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).