Tuesday, 20 April 2021

EcoSask News, April 20, 2021

trees flowering

This Week’s Highlights 
EcoFriendly Sask has partnered with Wildernook Fresh Air Learning on Rubbish Roundup 2021, Apr. 24-27. For every person in Saskatoon who spends an hour picking up rubbish, EcoFriendly Sask will donate $10 to the Saskatchewan Environmental Society. For more information, contact Wildernook. Don't live in Saskatoon? Apply for one of our Natural Areas Clean-Up Grants

The City of Regina is using Rozol in its parks to kill gophers. Rozol is an anticoagulant which causes hemorrhaging; however, it can take the animal a couple of days to die. In the meantime, these gophers can be eaten by their natural predators such as owls, hawks, foxes, and coyotes, causing secondary poisoning, which will be fatal. Once a gopher dies, it may be eaten by scavengers such as crows, or your dog may come into contact with it. If you see wildlife in the parks with symptoms, please call Salthaven West immediately at 639-999-4957 or the WRSOS hotline at 306-242-7177.

Upcoming Events 
For Peat’s Sake – Protecting Northern Saskatchewan Muskegs is hosting an online presentation on peat-free gardening at 7 pm, Apr. 20. 

As part of Canadian National Film Day, the Saskatchewan Science Centre is streaming Wonders of the Arctic throughout the day on Apr. 21 with a live Q & A with the film’s director at 6 pm, Apr. 21. Sign up for the Science Centre’s Kaleidoscope newsletter to receive the links. 

The University of Regina’s Centre for Continuing Education is offering a 2-week sampler for beginners or people interested in learning the basics of astronomy online from 7-9 pm, Apr. 21 & 28. 

Let’s Talk About Water is hosting an online Earth Day forum on the cost of climate-induced migration at 11 am, Apr. 22. 

CPAWS-SK is hosting an Earth Day Clean Up along the riverbank in Saskatoon at 1 pm, Apr. 22. 

Regina’s EnviroCollective is hosting a virtual meeting at 7 pm, Apr. 22, with speakers on energy, carbon pricing, and peat

Wascana & Upper Qu’Appelle Watersheds Association will hold a virtual annual general meeting at 2 pm, Apr. 23. 

City of Regina residents can dispose of household hazardous waste from 4-7 pm on Friday, 9 am-4 pm, Saturday, and 9 am-4 pm, Sunday, April 23-25. 

Nature Regina, along with other groups, is hosting online presentations and neighbourhood activities to celebrate Earth Day on Apr. 24. Sign up to receive a digital activity package. 

Regina Public Library is hosting an online talk on the future of EVs in Canada at 7 pm, Apr. 27. 

David Sobel will share insights from his book, Sky Above and Mud Below, at a SaskOutdoors online presentation at 5 pm, Apr. 27. 

The City of Regina is hosting an online session explaining what does and doesn’t go into your blue cart from 6:30-7:30 pm, Apr. 28.
trees flowering

“Despite long-held promises to phase out fossil fuel subsidies, Ottawa increased assistance to the industry in 2020 with public funding for pipelines, inactive well clean-up and policing of Indigenous opponents.” 

“Between 2014 and 2018, spending on lithium mining in Quebec increased by 789 percent. . . . Lithium is a non-renewable resource, a metal that needs to be extracted from salt flats or igneous rocks called pegmatites. That process requires a lot of energy and irreversibly damages landscapes and habitats while often depleting or contaminating local water sources. There’s also a serious waste problem.” 

New research from the University of Saskatchewan shows that the continents are drying out, putting water and food security at risk

From Information to Action 
“Homeowners who want to minimize attraction of disease-causing insects and maximize insect survival should install amber-colored bulbs in outdoor lights” as amber-coloured filters substantially reduce the amount and variety of insects drawn to the glow.” 

New Zealand has introduced a new law that will require all financial institutions to report the impacts of climate change on their businesses: “We simply cannot get to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 unless the financial sector knows what impact their investments are having on the climate.” 

EcoFriendly Sask supports Saskatchewan environmental initiatives through an online publication, an events calendar, small grants, and the Nature Companion website/app. You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner). 

Check out EcoFriendly Sask’s Nature Companion, a free nature app for Canada’s four western provinces