
Interested in nature? Concerned about the climate crisis? Here are just a few of the many organizations looking for volunteers to help them meet their goals.

Climate Justice Saskatoon 
Grassroots organization focusing on the intersection between the climate crisis and social and economic injustice
Volunteer Opportunities: Active group that welcomes new energy and talents. Current projects include a radio show and podcast, town halls and presentations, lobbying and advocacy
Website: https://climatejusticesaskatoon.ca/
Contact: climateactionsk@gmail.com

EnviroCollective (Regina) 
Meets regularly to plan collective and individual environmental initiatives through fostering community, building networks, sharing resources, and connecting people who need help with those who can help
Volunteer Opportunities: Join an established group in Regina or assist in starting a group in another community
Website: http://www.envirocollective.ca/
Contact: envirocollective2018@gmail.com

Extinction Rebellion Saskatchewan
Climate breakdown and ecological collapse are a direct threat to us all. We wish to collaborate with other groups in SK and all people who care about the crisis. There is room for everyone, and you can participate in the way that suits you best, providing it adheres to non-violence and the XR principles and values.
Volunteer Opportunities: People who are willing and able to organize protests and actions
Facebook Page: Extinction Rebellion Saskatchewan
Contact: Facebook Messsenger

Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas
An environmental non-profit formed to protect, conserve and restore the ecosystems and biodiversity at the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area and the George Genereux Urban Regional Park.
Volunteer Opportunities: natural and heritage tour interpreters, help in preparing social media and educational material, organize and participate in clean-up events
Website:  https://stbarbebaker.wordpress.com/
Contact: friendsafforestation@gmail.com

Friends of Wascana Marsh (Regina)
Strive to preserve and enhance the biodiversity of the Wascana Marsh ecosystem
Volunteer Opportunities: Share your knowledge of nature/biology at events by setting up a booth, organizing activities such as pond dipping, and leading guided tours
Website: https://www.wascanamarsh.ca
Contact: friendsofwascanamarsh@gmail.com

Library of Things (Saskatoon)
Volunteer-run library filled with donated items that can be borrowed free of charge
Volunteer Opportunities: Greet visitors, create membership accounts, and check items in and out (Saturday afternoons); store items that are too large for the library
Website: libraryofthingsyxe.myturn.com

Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation (Saskatoon)
Rehabilitating small birds and mammals and promoting knowledge and appreciation of wild animals and their habitats
Volunteer Opportunities: Feeding, cleaning, transporting animals (summer); fundraising, bookkeeping, building upkeep/maintenance (year-round). If you don't live in Saskatoon, check with your local wildlife rehabilitation centre as they may also appreciate assistance (Organizations)
Website: http://livingskywildliferehabilitation.org/
Contact: LSWR@sasktel.net or 306-281-0554

Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan (province-wide)
Promoting understanding and conservation of native plants through communication, research, and education
Volunteer Opportunities: Fieldwork, data entry, organizing, representation at events
Website: https://www.npss.sk.ca
Contact: info@npss.sk.ca or 306-668-3940

Nature Conservancy of Canada (province-wide)
Protect and care for vulnerable natural areas and the species they sustain
Volunteer Opportunities: From butterfly and bird inventories to cleaning up beaches and removing invasive species
Website: https://events.natureconservancy.ca/
Contact: Kayla.Burak@natureconservancy.ca

Nature Saskatchewan (province-wide)
Promote appreciation and understanding of the natural environment; protect and preserve natural ecosystems and biodiversity
Volunteer Opportunities: Conservation, research, education, events
Website: https://www.naturesask.ca/get-involved/volunteer-information-and-opportunities
Contact: info@naturesask.ca

Northeast Swale Watchers (Saskatoon)
Group of concerned citizens who monitor plans for development in and around the Swale
Volunteer Opportunities: Advocacy to protect the Swale
Website: https://www.swalewatchers.org/
Contact: swalewatchers@gmail.com

One School One Farm Shelterbelt Project (Saskatoon) 
Connects urban schools with farms in their region to work together in building shelterbelts that will support pollinators, sequester carbon, prevent erosion, and maintain the water cycle 
Volunteer Opportunities: grow and donate native plants and shrubs; create lesson plans; help with the group’s online presence; serve on board 
Public Pastures - Public Interest (province-wide)
Collaborates with ranchers, environmentalists, and other groups to ensure sustainability of publicly-owned grasslands
Volunteer Opportunities: Organize events, grassland tours, social media, information gathering and promotion of ways to preserve our endangered grasslands
Website: https://pfrapastureposts.wordpress.com
Contact: public4pastures@gmail.com or 306-535-9570, 306-585-1674

Repair Café Prince Albert
Sharing skills to help repair carry-in household items at monthly repair cafés
Volunteer Opportunities: Reception desk; fixers with skills in small electrical appliances, sewing, or bicycles
Website: https://www.facebook.com/repaircafeprincealbert.ca/
Contact: repaircafeprincealbert@gmail.com or text 306-960-4600

Saskatchewan Environmental Society
Supporting sustainable living and resource use in Saskatchewan
Volunteer Opportunities: Subscribe to SES’s volunteer mailing list to receive notification of opportunities relating to administration, community outreach, events, and fundraising
Website: http://environmentalsociety.ca/
Contact: info@environmentalsociety.ca

Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council (Saskatoon)
Addressing the underlying causes of waste by identifying opportunities, creating connections, and promoting solutions
Volunteer Opportunities: Compost coaching, recycling coaching, and zero-waste event volunteers
Website: www.swrc.ca
Contact: info@swrc.ca or 306-931-3242

Saskatoon CarShare Co-operative 
Saskatoon CarShare's fleet of six vehicles are designed to complement members’ active transportation habits and improve affordable access to vehicle ownership 
Volunteer Opportunities: Board members to help with planning, decision-making, and monitoring the performance of the CarShare, as well as volunteers to help with regular light vehicle maintenance, and promotion and engagement. You don't have to be a member to volunteer with the CarShare and volunteering comes with perks like driving credits.
Saskatoon Zoo Society
Environmental education organization dedicated to fostering respect for nature
Volunteer Opportunities: Interpreters (summer weekends) for the biological artefact carts
Website: https://saskatoonzoosociety.ca/
Contact: info@saskatoonzoosociety.ca

The Garden Patch (Saskatoon) 
Community-driven urban agriculture initiative of the Saskatoon Food Bank & Learning Centre
Volunteer Opportunities: Planting, caring for, and harvesting produce; landscaping; compost maintenance; helping the Garden Coordinator to identify organizations or programs that might be interested in volunteering at the garden
Website: http://www.saskatoonfoodbank.org/urban-agriculture-the-garden-patch
Contact: garden.patch@saskatoonfoodbank.org or 306-664-6565 ext. 266

Walking Saskatoon
A small group of volunteers who do what they can, individually and collectively, to advocate for the greater good. 
Volunteer Opportunities: If anyone has ideas about ways to make the city a better place for walking and wants to take action, they're there to support you.
Wild About Saskatoon 
Informal collective coordinating Saskatoon’s NatureCity Festival, a celebration of urban nature, in the third week of May
Volunteer Opportunities: Steering committee (Oct-June) – planning, strategy & coordination; fundraising; communications; school program. Additional opportunities immediately before and during the Festival – postering, social media, delivery. No festival is being planned for 2021, but there will be alternate activities to help organize
Website: https://wildaboutsaskatoon.org/
Contact: hello@wildaboutsaskatoon.org

Wild Outside, Canadian Wildlife Federation 
WILD Outside is a no-cost, national conservation-based youth leadership program designed for youth ages 15 to 18. 
Volunteer Opportunities: Accepting 15 – 18 year old youth to participate in outdoor activities and service projects in the community. Also in need of adult volunteers to assist with activities/events 
Contact: Regina: erinp@cwf-fcf.org Saskatoon: raeag@cwf-fcf.org 

Wildlife Rescue Society of Saskatchewan (province-wide)
Non-profit, volunteer-driven organization focused on ensuring injured or orphaned wildlife receive the care they need for eventual return to the wild
Volunteer Opportunities: Hotline operators & educators, rescue responders, event volunteers, administration
Website: http://wrsos.org/how-to-help/#volunteer
Contact: volunteer@wrsos.org

Who did we miss? Email us to suggest additional volunteer opportunities. And be sure to check our list of environmental organizations; they are always ready to welcome new members. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner). A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar