
Here are some local, provincial, and national environmental organizations. If you have suggestions for this list, please email them to

Cafe Scientifique Saskatoon
Climate Justice Saskatoon
Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc.
Library of Things
Lichen Nature
Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation
March for Science Saskatoon
Northeast Swale Watchers
Office of Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan
One School One Farm Shelterbelt Project
Permaculture Research Institute of Saskatchewan
Plastic Smart Saskatoon
Prairie Habitat Garden
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada - Saskatoon Centre
Saskatoon CarShare Co-operative
Saskatoon Cycles
Saskatoon Energy Management Task Force
Saskatoon Environmental Advisory Committee
Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Centre Garden Patch
Saskatoon Nature Society
Saskatoon Young Naturalists
Saskatoon Zoo Society
SES Solar Co-operative
SOS Trees Coalition
Walking Saskatoon
Wanuskewin Heritage Park
Waste Not yxe
Wild About Saskatoon
Tree Canada
Wildlife Habitat Canada
World Wildlife Fund Canada (WWF-Canada)

Note: These organizations are not affiliated in any particular way with EcoFriendly Sask.