Thursday 25 February 2021

Community Highlight: Walking Saskatoon

1. How and when did you form your group? 
Walking Saskatoon formed during the consultation process for the Active Transportation Plan in 2016 after realizing the significant gaps in the city's sidewalk network. 

2. What are your principal activities and why do you believe they’re important? 
Our principal activities include creating public awareness of pedestrian-related issues, advocating for the improvement of the city's pedestrian network to various levels of government, and supporting initiatives that benefit pedestrians as well as city building practices that create a better environment for walking. In our activities, we recognize that at times marginalized communities disproportionately experience negative effects from our current transportation system, and we work to shed light on these inequities while at the same time working to ensure that the system will benefit all citizens. 

3. What were your successes in 2020? 
The major achievement on behalf of walking in 2020 was the allocation of a significant portion of the province’s MEEP funding to sidewalk improvements (for example, infill in areas where no sidewalks exist and repair of deteriorating sidewalks). Some money was also allocated to creating safer active transportation crossings in a couple of locations in our city. Thanks to Councillors Block and Donauer for pushing forward these initiatives. 

4. What would you like to achieve in 2021? 
During the budget deliberations later this year, our group would love to see further commitment to filling the gaps in the city’s sidewalk network. We'd also like to see the city make a bigger commitment to improving traffic safety, focusing especially on intersections that are dangerous to vulnerable road users. As an organization, we have plans to formalize as a not-for-profit this year as well. 

5. If you could have 3 wishes for improving your community, what would they be? 
Our three wishes for improving Saskatoon would be: 1) a 15-minute city where everyone has access to everything they need within walking distance, 2) a commitment to vision zero that matches the goal of eliminating traffic fatalities with meaningful actions, and 3) full funding for the city's active transportation plan. 

6. Are there volunteer opportunities with your organization? If so, please describe them and indicate how people can contact you. 
We're a small group of volunteers who do what we can, individually and collectively, to advocate for the greater good. If anyone has ideas about ways to make the city a better place for walking and wants to take action, we're here to support you. Connect with us on Facebook (Walking Saskatoon), Twitter (@walkingyxe), Instagram (@walkingsaskatoon) or reach out at

If you live in Regina, be sure to check out Sidewalks of Regina, which advocates for better walkways on a year-round basis. 

We’re planning to highlight the work of volunteer organizations in our communities on a regular basis. Do email us if you would like your organization to be profiled on EcoFriendly Sask

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