Tuesday 23 February 2021

EcoSask News, February 23, 2021

frost on grass

This Week’s Highlights 
Participants in a virtual roundtable on unleashing Regina’s energy-efficient economy agreed that the renewable energy, energy efficiency, and net-zero building sectors represent significant opportunities in terms of local job creation, economic diversification and growth, and are critical in building a thriving, more inclusive and sustainable economy. 

Kairos Regina is hosting an online discussion on creation, climate, and you at 7 pm, Feb. 23. 

Upcoming Events 
Renny Grilz, Blazing Star Wildflower Seed Company, will discuss how to grow native plants successfully in an online workshop at 1 pm, Feb. 27. 

Permaculture Regina will hold a brief online AGM followed by a discussion on starting seedlings and getting ready for spring planting at 2 pm, Feb. 28. 

Nathan Tedford will discuss the future of small modular reactors in Saskatchewan and Canada at the virtual breakfast meeting of the SK Energy Management Task Force. 

Swift Current Creek Watershed Stewards are holding a virtual annual general meeting at 1 pm, Mar. 4. 

Nature Saskatchewan is hosting an online nature trivia event at 7 pm, Mar. 4. 

Outdoor Education 
SaskOutdoors will be hosting 3 virtual workshops in March offering a host of outdoor education resource materials: 

Overview of the Natural Curiosity pedagogical framework for environmental inquiry and associated Indigenous lenses – 6:30-8:30 pm, Mar. 15 

Online training to introduce educators to Project Wild – 7-9 pm, Mar. 17, 24, and 31 

A full list of upcoming events (online and in person) can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar

Any guesses as to what made the indentations in the sand pile?

Local News 
Listen to a one-hour conversation with Passive House pioneer Harold Orr

Indigenous communities and environmental activists are speaking out against peat moss mining near La Ronge. 

Congratulations to Paul Loewen whose photograph of a peary caribou can be found on a new series of Canadian stamps

Rethinking Transportation 
Freight emissions are expected to surpass passenger vehicle emissions by 2030. Pembina Institute sets out 10 actions to ramp up adoption of a zero-emission freight sector

“As we envision a society that is less reliant on driving, who better to learn from than people who already don’t drive?” 

Major automakers are increasingly betting that the future of their business lies with electric cars, but consumers, who prefer large trucks and SUVs, aren’t there yet

A growing number of studies say that roads containing waste plastic have the potential to perform as well or better than traditional roads – and yes, they can tolerate wide temperature swings. Other options – make waste plastic into tiles or bricks.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner). 

If you enjoyed this newsletter, please share it. Thank you! 

Did you know? Tiger salamanders don't need to drink. They absorb water by sitting in puddles or on dew-covered rocks. Follow the Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Plan on Facebook or Twitter for more interesting information about tiger salamanders. 

Nature Companion is a free nature app for Canada’s four western provinces