Tuesday, 16 June 2020

EcoSask News, June 16, 2020

Upcoming Events 
Ours to Save, Ours to Lose, June 18 (webinar) 
Join Dan Kraus, Nature Conservancy of Canada, as he discusses the plants and animals that are unique to Canada at 11:30 am (SK time), June 18. 

Summer Solstice, June 21 (Regina) 
You’re invited to gather on Wascana Hill to greet the sunrise and the beginning of summer at 4:45 am, June 21. 

Nature Sask AGM, June 22 (online) 
Nature Saskatchewan will be holding its annual general meeting online at 7 pm, June 22. 

Wildlife Research during a Global Quarantine, June 22 (webinar) 
Ryan Brook will discuss wildlife research during a global quarantine: tracking the rapid spread of invasive wild pigs during a noon-hour webinar on June 22. 

Group Excursion Leadership & Preparedness, June 23 (online) 
SaskOutdoors and Back40 Wilderness First Aid are hosting a webinar on group excursion leadership and preparedness from 7:30-8:30 pm, June 23. 

Women & the Energy Transition, June 23 (online) 
Pembina Institute is hosting a webinar panel discussion on the role of women in a changing energy economy from 11 am-12:15 pm (SK time), June 23. 

Sask River Basin AGM, June 24 (Saskatoon) 
The annual general meeting of Partners FOR the Saskatchewan River Basin will be held at 10 am, June 24. 

Carrot River Valley Watershed AGM, June 26 (Melfort) 
The Carrot River Valley Watershed Association is holding its annual general meeting at 1 pm, June 26, in Melfort. Email crwatershed@gmail.com by June 23 to register. 

Supporting Wild Bee Diversity, June 26 (webinar) 
Join SaskOrganics for a live webinar on supporting wild bee diversity on farms from 9:30-10:30 am, June 26. 

Zoo Training, June 29 (Saskatoon) 
The Saskatoon Zoo Society is looking for volunteer interpreters to help with their Wild Weekends programming. Find out more at the volunteer training session from 6-8 pm, June 29. 

Creating an Ecological Society, June 29 (webinar) 
This 2 ½ hour UK-based webinar on creating an ecological society will explore the relationship between social and ecological problems on June 29, 8-10:30 am (SK time). 

A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar 

Local News 
Explore Regina's green spaces with self-directed guides from Nature Regina 

Nature Saskatchewan is asking residents to post sightings of burrowing owls 

Prince Albert’s plastic bag ban has been put on hold until the end of the current state of emergency 

Burrowing owl

From Information to Action
A Yukon First Nation plans to open a native plant nursery to support mine reclamation work 

Could cabbages, rapeseed, and sunflowers replace mining as a source of lithium, a key component of electronics and electric vehicles? 

Carbon-neutral coffee via wind power: “Sometimes long-distance transport is necessary for a balanced and sustainable supply chain, so sail cargoes have a role to play in that” 

We’re drowning in light: human beings, when faced with the availability of a cheaper and more efficient lighting technology, simply use more of it 

“Spending time with wild animals and plants, observing them, considering what they need to survive and thrive, exponentially expands our sense of family. . . . All of these plants and animals, these urban trees, sidewalk beetles, pearl-winged pigeons, are our neighbors” 

5 inventions illustrating the future of solar energy [10-minute video] 

Natural Wonders 

Parenting helps shape bigger brains – in jays, crows, and ravens 

The Big Bat Year – 29 countries, 396 species 

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).