Tuesday, 23 June 2020

EcoSask News, June 23, 2020

moss & lichen

Upcoming Events
Climate Change & Prairie Water Resilience, June 23 (online) 
A panel from the University of Regina will discuss future needs and the opportunities for prairie water, climate, and environmental research from 1:30-3 pm, June 23.

Reclaiming our Relationship to Mother Earth, June 24 (online) 
Mother Earth Justice Advocates is hosting a webinar on building a new normal rooted in kinship relationships and our duty as stewards of Creation and visitors of Mother Earth at 3 pm, June 24.

Recovery & Resilience in the Grasslands, June 25 (online)
Learn how the Nature Conservancy of Canada, Calgary Zoo, and Alberta Environment and Parks are working together to save the greater sage-grouse at 11:30 am (SK time), June 25.

Sustainable Jobs, June 26 (online) 
Climate Reality Canada is hosting a webinar on a just transition and sustainable employment at 9:30 am (SK time), June 26.

EnviroCollective Summer Meeting, July 2 (online) 
EnviroCollective is meeting online from 7-9 pm, July 2.

Saskatoon Nature Society
The Saskatoon Nature Society has begun planning members-only field trips for this summer. Sign up now as a member if you're interested in wild orchids, warblers, and shorebirds. Additional trips are being planned for their members by the Golden Eagles

Looking Ahead
Nurturing Nature on Farms, July 10 (online) 
SaskOrganics is offering a webinar on fostering biodiversity on farms from 9:30-10:30 am, July 10.

A full list of upcoming events (online and in person) can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar 

Local News
“I want to help both myself as well as others retool or reshape our life on the planet so that we’re not putting as much in peril as we currently are,” says Jim Elliott, Regina

“It is absurd for Saskatchewan to prop up oil and gas through this health crisis when that same industry is hastening an even greater crisis in the long term”

5 equity-focused steps to prioritize in developing Regina’s renewable energy framework

The City of Regina is looking for greater public input and an expansion of their plan to transition to 100% renewable energy so that it includes everyone working and living inside the city rather than simply municipal operations


Greening Energy
What can Canada learn from Germany’s solar energy regulatory system?

Community ownership is delivering wind power to municipalities around the world

Construction is beginning on the world’s largest liquid air battery, which will store renewable electricity and reduce carbon emissions

The International Energy Agency says post-pandemic economic incentive packages should focus on reforms to energy production and consumption as well as green jobs

From Information to Action
“The key to resilience is thinking about how we thrive under uncertainty, surprise and change. . . . The transformative component wasn’t just in the typical focus on restoring mangroves to provide storm buffering, but in livelihoods – enabling women to transform their lives and create new, resilient opportunities in an uncertain future”

To actually save birds, the Migratory Bird Convention Act requires enforcement and habitat protection

Architects, builders, urban planners: “whatever situation you find yourselves in you need to look at the reduction of all new incoming resources and the reuse of existing ones

The Healthy Pregnancy Guide includes tips on avoiding plastics and toxic chemicals that affect the human body, and particularly developing babies

Find out how to be safe in bear country in a Fur-Bearers’ podcast

Wonders of Nature
Humans are not the only ones who have beliefs; animals do too

Hawk moths tend to move pollen farther than bees or birds, helping plant populations to remain viable in the face of habitat degradation

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).