Tuesday 13 June 2017
EcoSask News, June 13, 2017
Upcoming Events
Trump, the Paris Agreement, and Climate Change, June 15 (Saskatoon)
Dr. Greg Poelzer will discuss Trump, the Paris Agreement, and Climate Change: What is the Future of the Global Energy Transition from 5:30-8:30 pm, June 15, at The Woods Alehouse (Tox on Tap).
Piping Plover Critical Habitat, June 20 (webinar)
Kerry Hecker is presenting a noon-hour webinar on June 20 regarding Piping Plover Critical Habitat on Last Mountain Lake National Wildlife Area as part of the SK PCAP Native Prairie Speaker Series.
NE Swale Prescribed Fire Tour, June 21 (Saskatoon)
The Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan is organizing a tour of less-visited parts of the Northeast Swale from 6:30-8:30 pm, June 21. Renny Grilz, MVA Resource Management Officer, will lead a comparison of areas that have and have not been burned recently.
The Prairie Ecologist, June 22 (webinar)
Chris Helzer, The Prairie Ecologist, is giving a webinar presentation, It’s All the Little Things, at noon, June 22, as part of Native Prairie Appreciation Week.
Tiger Hills Field Trip, June 24 (Saskatoon)
Join Wild Birds Unlimited staff on a field trip from 8 am-5 pm, June 24, to the Tiger Hills Uplands. Troutreach Saskatchewan is conducting a bioblitz at the property and will be available to answer questions. Meet at the Wild Birds Unlimited store to car pool.
Build a Static Pile, June 24 (Saskatoon)
Find out how to build a static pile (composting) from 12:30-2 pm, June 24, at Saskatoon Food Bank’s Garden Patch.
Biddulph Natural Area Field Trip, June 25 (Saskatoon)
The Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan will visit the Biddulph Natural Area from 1-4 pm, June 25, as part of the Native Prairie Appreciation Week celebrations.
Native Prairie Appreciation Week (June 18-24)
Native Prairie Appreciation Week is celebrated across the province, June 18-24, with a variety of events, including awareness booths at Farmer's Markets, a social media campaign, a photo contest, and more. SK PCAP will be on-site at the following Farmer's Markets:
Sunday, June 18, 10am-3pm - Saskatoon Farmers' Market
Wednesday, June 21, 8am-1pm - Regina Farmers' Market
Saturday, June 24, 10am-3pm - Swift Current Market Square
Saskatoon Nature Society
Golden Eagles
June 22, 8 am – Saskatoon’s Historic Trees
June 29, 8 am – Donna Birkmaier Park
Retirees and partners who are interested in birds and the natural world are invited to participate in Golden Eagle field trips.
Other Saskatoon Nature Society Field Trips
June 17, 8-11 am – May Haga Memorial Bird Walk, Lakewood & Heritage Parks
June 24, 7-10 am –Breeding Bird Atlas Point Counts
July 1, 9:15 am-2 pm – Wild Orchids Field Trip
Check the Saskatoon Nature Society’s website for full details and updated information.
Looking Ahead
Generating Momentum, Aug. 24-27 (Little Manitou Lake)
Registration is now open for Generating Momentum, a 4-day camp for 18-35 year olds who are passionate about social, global, and environmental justice.
Photography Workshop, Sept. 22-24 (Cypress Hills)
Join Branimir Gjetvaj in the Cypress Hills for a workshop focusing on landscape and outdoor photography from Sept. 22-24.
A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar
In the News
The Saskatoon Freeway, destined to be the most expensive transportation infrastructure project in Saskatchewan history, is set to bypass scrutiny - despite the fact that it cuts through the vulnerable Northeast Swale and passes very close to the Small Swale, home to Loggerhead Shrike, a federally threatened species.
Canadian watersheds face growing threats; water supply across the country is at risk.
The Better Good, Saskatoon, plans to launch a tool/sharing library in their basement. They're looking for organizers and volunteers.
The City of Melbourne has announced a $1.2 million Urban Forest Fund, which it will use to match private investments in urban greening initiatives (parks, tree planting, stormwater projects, green walls, and roofs).
Bald eagles are playing host to a baby red-tailed hawk in Sidney, BC.
EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include.
You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).
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