Tuesday, 6 June 2017
EcoSask News, June 6, 2017
Upcoming Events
Migratory Bird Sanctuary Open House, June 8 (Last Mountain Lake)
Last Mountain Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary is celebrating its 130th anniversary from 2-6 pm at the Last Mountain Lake headquarters. There will be games and activities for kids, tours, and birthday cake.
Wildlife Rehabilitation Volunteer Orientation, June 9 (Regina)
Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Saskatchewan is holding a volunteer orientation session in Regina from 6-7:30 pm, June 9, at Cabela’s. Register with Sean at shonersquid20@yahoo.ca.
Campus Master Plan Community Engagement, June 13 (Saskatoon)
The University of Saskatchewan is developing a new master plan and is asking for input on topics such as natural areas, building design, transportation, outdoor landscapes. They’re holding a come and go at Amigos from 5-7 pm, June 13.
Butcher Birds and the Stewards of Saskatchewan, June 14 (Val Marie)
Ashley Vass, Nature Saskatchewan, will be talking about butcher birds and the Stewards of Saskatchewan at 7:30 pm, June 14, in Val Marie.
Small Space/Container Gardening, June 14 (Saskatoon)
The Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Centre is hosting a workshop on small space/container gardening from 6-8:30 pm, June 14, at the Garden Patch.
The Pisim Project, June 14 (Saskatoon)
Watch The Pisim Project about high school students building an energy-efficient house at 1 pm, June 14, at the Frances Morrison Library.
Introduction to Beekeeping, June 15 (Regina)
Find out about beekeeping and how to start a honey bee colony at 7 pm, June 15, at Regina’s Central Adult Library.
Cycling Advocacy Task Force, June 15 (Regina)
Bike Regina is holding a public meeting at 7 pm, June 15, at the Artful Dodger Café, to discuss establishing an advocacy task force to help Regina become a world-class cycling city.
A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar
Looking Ahead
The City of Edmonton will be hosting the global Cities & Climate Change Conference in March 2018.
Awards & Submissions
Rob Dumont Energy Management Awards (Saskatoon)
Nominations are now open for the 2017 Rob Dumont Energy Management Awards. Nominations for the lifetime achievement and education awards are due June 30. Nominations for the remaining award categories are due Sept. 7.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening magazine is inviting contributions for a special issue on Urban Food Forests – a potential contributor to increased livelihood in urban areas. Deadline is February 2018.
In the News
Toronto's Best Practices for Effective Lighting is a companion book to Bird-Friendly Development Guidelines
“Urban wildlife photography has the power to reconnect people with nature by reminding them that we can and do coexist with it, even in the heart of the city”
An abandoned factory in Rome is now an urban wilderness and home to 62 species of birds
Calgary Zoo gives young burrowing owls a head start - back in the wild, they've mated and laid eggs
EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include.
You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).
Wildlife Rehab