Tuesday, 24 April 2018
EcoSask News, April 24, 2018
Upcoming Events
CPAWS SK Meet and Greet, Apr. 25 (Saskatoon)
Meet the folks from the Saskatchewan chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society at 7 pm, Apr. 25.
South Sask River Watershed Stewards AGM, Apr. 27 (Osler)
The South Saskatchewan River Watershed Stewards will hold its annual general meeting from 12:30-4 pm, Apr. 27.
Wildflower ID, Apr. 28 (Fort Qu’Appelle)
Learn to identify local wildflowers at the Fort Qu’Appelle Nature Society meeting at 7 pm, Apr. 28, at the Fort Qu’Appelle Train Station.
Mending Meet Up, Apr. 28 (Saskatoon)
Library of Things is holding a Mending Meet Up with sewing machines and experienced sewers on hand to help you out from 1-4 pm, Apr. 28.
Wildlife Photography, May 1 (Regina)
Join the Regina Photo Club for a presentation on wildlife photography at 7 pm, May 1.
Living Heritage Symposium, May 1 (Regina)
Presentations at the Living Heritage Symposium on May 1 in Regina will focus on how we relate to the land in a changing world.
Global Warming & the Sweetness of Life, May 2 (Saskatoon)
The Stand is hosting a book launch for Global Warming and the Sweetness of Life: An Oil Sands Tale by Matt Hern, Am Johal, and Joe Sacco from 7-8:30 pm, May 2.
Sustainability Awards, May 2 (Stockholm)
The 10th Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) in Saskatchewan Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Recognition Awards ceremony will be held on May 2 in Stockholm.
Financing Energy Projects in Saskatchewan, May 2 (Saskatoon)
Frederick Khonje, Affinity Credit Union, will discuss financing energy projects in Saskatchewan at the May 2 meeting of the Saskatchewan Energy Management Task Force.
Demain, May 2 (Saskatoon)
Cinergie Film Festival kicks off with Demain, a film about pioneers reinventing agriculture, energy, the economy, democracy, and education at 7 pm, May 2 (sub-titled in English).
Bats of Mayfair, May 3 (Saskatoon)
Melanie Elliott will discuss bat ecology and the 260 bats that were rescued in Mayfair at 2 pm, May 3, at the Mayfair branch of the Saskatoon Public Library.
Looking Ahead
The Missouri Coteau: 10,000 Years in the Making, June 21-22 (Beechy)
The Society for Range Management field tour will be held June 21-22 in Beechy and will include plant ID, water quality, and monitoring with limited time and resources.
forestART, July 2-6 & Aug. 6-10 (Ness Creek)
Enjoy a 5-day Art in Nature experience at Ness Creek July 2-6 and Aug. 6-10.
A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar
In the News
The provincial government has posted the planned route for the Saskatoon Freeway (Perimeter Highway). The proposal calls for the northern part of the Freeway (red) to cross the Northeast Swale and the Small Swale very close to the route of the North Commuter Parkway (green). If you have concerns about the proximity of the two routes, please advise your city councillor and MLA. (map courtesy of Northeast Swale Watchers)
Locals provide information about the best places to bird watch in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba in Best Places to Bird in the Prairies.
The Beaver Believers is a film about a group of dedicated scientists who want to restore the North American Beavers’ habitat and range.
“There are no jobs on a dead planet” - unions advocate for a clear transition plan to a green economy.
A report on the state of the world’s birds reveals a biodiversity crisis driven by intensive farming, with once-common species such as puffins and snowy owls now at risk.
EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include.
You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).