Tuesday, 10 April 2018
EcoSask News, April 10, 2018
Wild child adventures, a Fairy Hill marsh walk, and poplar potions - spring magic!
Upcoming Events
Poplar Potion, Apr. 12 (Saskatoon)
Walk through Poplar Bluffs and learn about the harvest and preparation of poplar buds from 5:30-7:30 pm, Apr. 12.
Leave No Trace, Apr. 12 (Saskatoon)
Andrea Nelson, SaskOutdoors, will talk about how to care for the wildlands at 11:45 am, Apr. 12, Innovation Place Saskatoon.
Islands of Grass, Apr. 13 (Saskatoon)
Branimir Gjetvaj will present Islands of Grass at 2 pm, Apr. 13, at the Frances Morrison Library.
Saskatchewan Living Green Expo, Apr. 13-15 (Saskatoon)
The Saskatchewan Living Green Expo festival and trade-show is Apr. 13-15 in Saskatoon.
Birding Field Trip, Apr. 14 (Regina)
Join Nature Regina to look for mountain bluebirds and waterfowl on Apr. 14 along Route 99 and at Fairy Hills Marsh.
March for Science, Apr. 14 (Saskatoon)
March for Science Saskatoon is hosting March for Science on Apr. 14.
Climate Crisis Implications & Solutions, Apr. 16 (Regina)
Jared Clarke will discuss the climate crisis: implications and solutions for Saskatchewan at the 7:30 pm, Apr. 16 meeting of Nature Regina.
Environmental Society AGM, Apr. 18 (Saskatoon)
The Saskatchewan Environmental Society will hold their annual general meeting on Apr. 18 starting with a wine and cheese at 6:30 pm and a presentation by Christopher Spence, Global Institute for Water Security, at 7 pm.
Life in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Apr. 19 (Saskatoon)
Dr. Patricia Thomas will discuss Life in the Exclusion Zone: Chernobyl, Swallows, Wild Horses, Fungi, and Cesium-137 at the Apr. 19 meeting of the Saskatoon Nature Society.
Permaculture Saskatchewan AGM, Apr. 19 (Saskatoon)
Permaculture Saskatchewan will be holding their annual general meeting and showing the permaculture film Inhabit on Apr. 19.
SK Breeding Bird Atlas Workshop, Apr. 21 (Saskatoon)
The SK Breeding Bird Atlas is offering an introductory workshop on bird identification and using your birding skills to contribute sightings to the Atlas from 9 am-noon, Apr. 21.
Looking Ahead
Chaplin & Reed Lake Shorebird Survey, May 1-June 14 (Chaplin Lake)
The 4th annual Chaplin & Reed Lake Shorebird Survey is looking for volunteers to help them track the migratory shorebirds that travel through Chaplin Lake.
Nature Grandparenting, May 1-June 18 (Saskatoon)
Witness seasonal changes in nature with your grandchild during the spring session of Nature Grandparenting hosted by Wildernook Fresh Air Learning and SaskOutdoors on Tuesdays (2 sessions/day) from May 1-June 18 in Saskatoon.
Would You Like an Upcycled Art Workshop?, Sept. 23-30 (Saskatoon)
Medha Batt, an artist from India, will be travelling through Saskatoon from Sept. 23-30 and is interested in offering workshops or presentations emphasizing local environmental issues and using household discards to create art. Medha can be reached on her professional Facebook page.
A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar
Reading & Listening
Take a look at the new, Saskatchewan-based SLIP Channel, Canada’s weekly green living news magazine.
Happiness by Aminatta Forna is about the unseen residents of our cities: the foxes, coyotes, and parakeets but also the street sweepers, doormen, and dishwashers. Do we welcome these immigrants to our cities or do we reject them? Who is part of our community? (highly recommended by Penny)
Listen to a Defender Radio webinar on protecting coyotes and other wildlife and keeping human park users safe.
In the News
A Wild Child Adventure School for 3-12 year olds is being set up at Wild Spirit Prairie Sanctuary. The school will offer mini adventures for 3-5 year olds, after-school adventures for 5-12 year olds, and homeschooling Fridays.
The Lower Qu’Appelle Watershed has issued a Quality and Quantity Review providing a useful overview of the factors affecting our water supply.
"There’s a stark choice to be made: stick with GDP growth as our Prime Directive and continue to unpick the web of life, or evolve beyond it and create new possibilities for human and planetary flourishing."
The gigantic data centers that power the internet consume vast amounts of electricity and emit as much CO2 as the airline industry.
EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include.
You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).
Chaplin Lake,
Climate Change,