Tuesday, 16 December 2014

EcoSask News, December 16, 2014


Permasask Potlucks 
Join Permasask at one of their upcoming potlucks and meetings:
Dec. 18 – potluck and holiday/solstice celebration
Jan. 22 – Candace Savage talking about Wild About Saskatoon
Feb. 19 – Paul Hanley discussing his latest book, Eleven

Native Plant Society AGM, Feb. 6-7
The Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan is hosting its 20th annual meeting and conference in Saskatoon on February 6 and 7. The keynote speaker will be Aimee Hurt from Working Dogs for Conservation, a Montana-based non-profit organization that uses detector dogs to survey for plant and animal species.

Cross-Country Ski Loppet, Feb. 27-Mar. 1
Join SaskOutdoors and the Kamsack Ski Club for their annual cross-country ski loppet at Duck Mountain, Feb. 27-Mar. 1.

Untitled Local News
Community-Based Watershed Planning
Over the last several years, the local community around Pike Lake has been working on a watershed planning initiative to identify and address issues related to their local watershed. Stakeholders involved include local cottage owners and farmers, the Rural Municipality of Vanscoy, Pike Lake Provincial Park, Water Security Agency, and other interest groups.

The stakeholders have identified the main issues affecting their local watershed and some key management actions required to address these issues. They are now developing a plan.

If your community is interested in addressing local source water protection issues, contact Renny Grilz at South Saskatchewan River Water Stewards for more information.

Environmental Film Festival 
The Saskatchewan Eco Network has started planning their 10th annual film festival to be held in April or May 2015. They’re looking for ideas, volunteers, and donations in order to make this the best film festival ever.

Ness Creek Waste Reduction
Ness Creek Festival, in conjunction with the U of S School of Environment and Sustainability, conducted a waste audit for the 2014 festival to provide public education and baseline data for future sustainability initiatives. A team of 35 volunteers, coordinated by Master’s student, Kelly Richardson, attended the festival, making it one of the cleanest festivals to date.

Future Proof Your Home
The second edition of How to Future Proof Your Home by Shane Wolfe is now available electronically. The second edition contains 30% new information with plenty of information about building passive houses.

GOT Parks
The Canadian Parks Council has established Get Out To Parks to encourage young people to enjoy our parks. You can follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).