This week’s EcoSask News brings you a collection of current news stories to ponder as you enter the holiday season.
Local News
Threats to boreal caribou habitat continue to mount in Saskatchewan, including a peat mining project in the Pasquia Bog and oil sands explorations
Congratulations to Rick Huziak for speaking out against light pollution, which wastes energy and harms wildlife (for further information, check out our interview with Rick earlier this year)
Urban Wilderness
Celebrate Urban Birds (CUBs), a project run by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, studies the birds that manage to eke out a living in cities and surrounding areas
It’s time to broaden our view of wilderness to include urban microwildernesses – small areas that are uncontrollable, unpredictable, and mysterious.
English News Bites
Penny is spending 7 weeks in England. Here are two sites that caught her attention in Lincolnshire:
Ecotricity, Britain’s green energy company, offers everything from wind power to electric cars
Sleaford Renewable Energy Plant – turning wheat straw into electricity
Thought Provoking
A community group that supports local, independent businesses helped a dry cleaner to go green and stay in business