Peregrine Falcons, July 30
See peregrine falcons up close with Dr. Lynn Oliphant on July 30. Meet at the Wild Birds Unlimited store at 6:30 pm to car pool to the site.
Nature Journaling at the Creek, Aug. 5-8
Take an hour as a family to find a new way of looking at the world around you through nature journaling at Beaver Creek.
Youth Leadership Program
The 2014 Next Up youth leadership program will focus particular attention on climate change. The deadline for Saskatchewan applications is September 5.
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Meadowgreen: Saskatoon’s newest community garden. Overall, Saskatoon now has 34 community garden sites with 2200 people involved in community gardening
Starting this fall, First Nations youth will be learning and sharing knowledge about prairie landscapes and wildlife through the Treaty 4 Student Success program. The program is managed by the Nature Conservancy of Canada in Saskatchewan with involvement from Elders, landowners, and those with expertise in the natural sciences
An editorial in the Saskatoon StarPhoenix urges the City to hold to its commitment to prioritize alternative transportation options
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Let’s tell Parks Canada that we don’t want bulldozers in Grasslands National Park
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When will Saskatoon get an environmentally-friendly dry cleaner? (photo taken in Nelson, BC) |
We can make a difference. We just need to take action. Here is one idea:
The Let’s Glean! United We Serve Toolkit helps groups start collecting excess food to deliver to those in need. Locally, Out Of Your Tree harvests and shares excess fruit
EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.
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