Tuesday, 15 July 2014

EcoSask News, July 15, 2014

Pond at Innovation Place
Buffalo Pound Photo Hike, July 19
Join Branimir Gjetvaj for a Macro and Flower Photography Hike at Buffalo Pound Provincial Park on July 19. There is no charge.

Sustainable Forest Workshop, Aug. 20-23
High school science teachers and other keeners are invited to attend a Sustainable Forests Workshop from August 20-23 at Ness Creek. The workshop will focus on forest ecology and sustainable forest management in line with the new high school science curriculum.

Transition Regional Workshop, Aug. 23-24
There will be a two-day Transition Regional Workshop in Vancouver on August 23-24 to discuss the state of the Transition Initiative. If you are or were involved in the Transition movement, check it out.

Beaver Creek Interpretive Hikes, July & August
Join an interpreter at 2:30 pm on Sundays during July and August for an outdoor hike at Beaver Creek Conservation Area.

Wetlands Help Prevent Flooding
In a recent article on flooding in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, John Pomeroy, Canada Research Chair in Water Resource and Climate Change, says: “By preserving wetlands, [farmers] are providing a service to those who are downstream,” Pomeroy said. “And I think something like that should be rewarded. It’s far cheaper to do that than it would be to build extra dams, reservoirs, or to pay off for flood damages.”

See also: Wetlands: For People as well as Ducks

Saskatchewan Community Wind
Saskatoon Community Wind has rebranded itself as Saskatchewan Community Wind. They “are committed to ensuring that Saskatchewan communities derive maximum economic benefit from our province’s world-class wind resource,” which they believe is best achieved through community-owned, widely distributed, and appropriately sized wind farm power projects.

Badlands: A Geography of Metaphors
Moose Jaw photographer and painter Ken Dalgarno has published Badlands: A Geography of Metaphors, a photographic portrait of the North American Badlands. “The Badlands are an archives where stories have been exiled. This becomes instantly apparent when you travel across the vast open prairie and, without notice, it literally collapses before you into a valley of secrets,” says Ken Dalgarno. The layers of history include dinosaur fossils, First Nations pictographs, and the hiding places of Butch Cassidy and other refugees from justice.

Thought Provoking
Benefits vs. costs of federal fossil fuel subsidies – a report from the Pembina Institute

Refuse to be held hostage by your car: the health benefits of walking

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

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