Tuesday 1 July 2014

EcoSask News, July 1, 2014

Eastern Kingbird

Wild Zoo Weekends, June 28 - Sept. 1
The Saskatoon Zoo Society will be setting up special touch table displays and wild animal programs on weekends and holiday Mondays throughout the summer from 10 am – 4 pm.

Beaver Creek’s Birds, July 3, 12, 22, 31
Learn more about Beaver Creek’s birds as part of the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship program on July 3, 12, 22, and 31.

Creating Monarch Friendly Habitat, July 10
Learn how to create a successful butterfly habitat in a full-day workshop at the Saskatoon Forestry Farm and Zoo on July 10.

Thought Provoking
Some environmental issues have relatively straightforward solutions (buy new light bulbs, start a compost pile), but others demand much more of us. Here are just two examples:

Green Sex: “It is better for the environment if a couple enjoys international air travel, eats a high-meat diet, each drive an SUV, never recycles, and lives in a large, free-standing home, but never has a biological child"

100-Mile Travel Diet: “Perhaps it’s time for the concept of a 100-mile travel diet to join our lexicon along with its culinary cousin. Either way, we need to ditch the environmentally destructive and, frankly, classist, travel narratives in which whomever travels furthest, to the most exotic locale, wins. We can discover ourselves in ways that don’t kill the planet."


Thumbs Up
Aquavist Manitoba is a grassroots movement designed to save all the rivers and lakes in the Lake Winnipeg watershed.

The Meewasin Valley Authority has just released its strategic plan for 2014-2024. Strategic priorities include updating the Meewasin Valley boundaries to secure riverbank and significant natural and heritage areas, extending the Meewasin Trail, promoting activities in all seasons of the year, developing a framework for conservation planning aimed at maintaining biodiversity and heritage valley-wide, and developing a Northeast Swale interpretive plan.

Thumbs Down
Fashion is killing our rivers. Find out more and help support RiverBlue, a documentary being produced by Canadian Mark Angelo about the impact of the textile and tannery industries on the world’s rivers.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

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