Tuesday, 7 May 2013

EcoSask News, May 7, 2013


Capturing Nature in the City, May 21
Branimir Gjetvaj, biologist and environmental photographer, will present his vision of a “Wild Saskatoon” through photos and stories at 7 pm on May 21 at the Frances Morrison Library. He’ll discuss the importance of reconnecting city dwellers to their natural environment and the complex interactions between humans and other species that co-exist in the urban environment.

CISV Back to Basics Mini Camp, May 24-26
CISV Saskatoon is hosting a Back to Basics Mini Camp for ages 8+ at Shekinah Retreat Centre from May 24-26. The focus will be on Thinking, Choosing, and Doing in order to live the green life.

NatureCity Festival, May 25-31
The NatureCity Festival, May 25-31, is absolutely jam-packed with fun activities. It’s impossible to list them all, so do check their calendar of events. Here are some highlights:
May 25 – Self-Guided Urban Agriculture Tour
May 26 – Eat These Words Community Supper sponsored by CHEP and Slow Food Saskatoon
May 27 – Tour of Donna Birkmaier Park, one of Saskatoon’s naturalized parks
May 27 – Douglas Olson speaks on conserving wildness in an urban environment
May 28 – Pond dipping and a nature hike at the Chappell Marsh Conservation Area
May 29 – Presentation on Wolves

Making Compost
The Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council is hosting two workshops on making compost. A Learn the Basics of Composting workshop will be held from 7:30-9 pm on May 29 in the Downstairs in the Den, The Two Twenty.

More experienced composters can register for the Master Composter Weekend Training Class on June 1 and 2. For more information, contact Naomi at naomi@saskwatereduction.ca, 306.242.8569.


Backyard Garden Sharing Program
Jared Regier, who also works with the Earthkeepers program at Aden Bowman Collegiate, has been hired by CHEP as their Backyard Garden Coordinator. If you have backyard space someone could garden in or if you are an experienced gardener looking for space to grow food, contact Jared (jared@chep.org, 655.4575, ext 229).

Bold Energy Ideas 
Grazed rangelands have the ability to capture and store more carbon than expensive carbon capture and storage technologies.

A Saskatoon company is exploring the economic and technical viability of geothermal electricity generation in southeastern Saskatchewan.

Implement a carbon tax, phase out government subsidies for all forms of energy production, and let the market separate the winners from the losers.

Attach a portable solar socket to a window and store up to 10 hours of energy usage.

EU Imposes Temporary Ban of Bee-Killing Pesticides
The European Union has imposed a temporary ban on three pesticides believed to harm bees. It's only a partial victory; there's more work to be done.

High-Tech Garbage Cans
This solar-powered trash can not only compacts the garbage, it emails the garbage collectors when it’s full! The initial cost is high, but it will save substantial amounts of money in the long run.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

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