Tuesday 28 May 2013

EcoSask News, May 28, 2013


NatureCity Festival
The NatureCity Festival is on until Friday, May 31, and there are so many great events:

Tuesday, May 28 - Chappell Marsh tours, wild bees on the Prairies

Wednesday, May 29 – Meet a burrowing owl, look for wildflowers in Peturrson’s Ravine, go for a walking tour of the Patterson Garden Arboretum, find out about wolves, or learn to make compost

Thursday, May 30 – Lakewood Park bird walk, urban herbin’ on Avenue P, revolutionary tea party, natural grassland walk

Friday, May 31 – Medicine walk with Joseph Naytowhow, birding at Idylwyld sloughs, school garden events, Festival finale

Tiger Hunting, June 8
The Saskatoon Nature Society will be hunting for tigers in the Tiger Hills on June 8. Tigers – that’s tiger beetles, tiger lilies, tiger swallowtails, tiger moths, tiger salamanders, and water tigers. Sounds like fun!

Butterflies, June 9
Learn how to identify butterflies with the Saskatoon Nature Society. The trip will be cancelled if weather is poor.

Summer Field Trips
Both the Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan and the Nature Conservancy of Canada offer wonderful opportunities to explore Saskatchewan nature. Don’t miss these fun outdoor opportunities.

Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan Summer Field Tours

Nature Conservancy of Canada (Saskatchewan) – Volunteer Opportunities


Plastic Smart Saskatoon
Plastic Smart Saskatoon was in the news. Check it out.

Campus Composting
Three universities in Ontario are taking different approaches to collecting organic waste on campus. One will be run by students; one is handled by a private company; and the third is completely in-house.

Business Goes Green
TreeHouse, a green hardware store in Austin, Texas, is earning a reputation as the “Whole Foods version of Home Depot.”

Can you imagine a city ruled by cyclists not car owners? No? Then be sure to read In the City of Bikes: An American Discovers Amsterdam by Pete Jordan. Jordan takes us through the decades recounting everything from dinking and bike fishermen to the German Occupation.

Green Building Practices
How to buy an energy-efficient hot-water heater (infographic)

UK’s green building hub will test building fabrics

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

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