Tuesday 14 May 2013

EcoSask News, May 14, 2013

March Against Monsanto, May 25 
As part of the May 25 International Day of Action against Monsanto, there will be a march in Saskatoon starting at noon in Kinsmen Park.

River Clean-Up, May 26
PlasticSmart Saskatoon is holding their first river bank clean-up on May 26 at 11 am. Meet in the metered parking lot behind the Diefenbaker Canada Centre.

Nature Conservation Volunteers 
You’re invited to join the Nature Conservancy of Canada in caring for our natural places. Contact the NCC for full details.
June 1 – Buffalo Valley Bioblitz
July 13 – Edenwold Bio-Inventory
July 20 – Reed Lake Important Bird Area Stewardship Blitz
August 9 – Count and Cuddle Leopard Frogs
August 17 – Old Man on his Back
August 22 – Maymont Walk on the Wild Side

Wilderness Navigation, June 2
CanoeSki is offering a Wilderness Navigation and Orienteering Course on June 2 from 8:30-4:30. There will be a classroom session in the morning and an outdoor session in the afternoon.

Join the Saskatoon Nature Society on their frequent birdwatching field trips. Additional information is available on their website.
May 20 – Shorebirds southeast of Saskatoon
May 22 – Warbler migration at Cosmopolitan Park
May 25 – May Day Bird Count

Nocturnal Owl Survey 
Saskatchewan is home to 11 different species of owls at different times of the year. Seven of them can be heard on the Saskatchewan Nocturnal Owl Survey. If you’d like to participate, contact Alan R. Smith at Environment Canada.

Chaplin Lake Tours
The Chaplin Nature Centre offers two-hour tours by bus of Chaplin Lake on a regular basis between May 18 and August 31. See a variety of shorebirds and learn about the sodium sulphate mine and brine shrimp industry. They offer additional longer tours of the surrounding area.

Books and Films
Community Pastures: Red Hat Studios would like to make a film about Saskatchewan’s community pastures. Contribute now to help them achieve their goal.

Kids' Books: Elin Kelsey has written a number of award-winning books for kids to help them understand that they are part of the natural world. You Are Stardust and Not your Typical Book about the Environment are two of them. Jane Goodall says, “Elin Kelsey has produced a highly engaging book, pointing out surprising connections between kids’ lives and the rest of the planet. The illustrations are fantastic and make a complex subject—conservation and sustainable living—easy to understand. A wonderful book for educating children—and adults—about the environment.”

Urban Agriculture: Farming the City: Food as a Tool for Today’s Urbanization is designed to provide urban farmers around the world with a platform to share ideas and inspiration. A central message of the book is how food can be used as a tool for urban development. (via Pop-Up City).

History of a Movement: A Fierce Green Fire, a film based on a book of the same title, documents the history of the environmental movement over the past 50 years. The film points to two events that helped spark the movement: the environmental disaster at Love Canal and Greenpeace’s efforts to stop whaling ships.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

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