Tuesday 11 June 2019

EcoSask News, June 11, 2019

Chickadee singing

Upcoming Events
Live Animal Show, June 15 (Saskatoon) 
Lisa Wrangler will bring some of her reptiles to Wild Birds Unlimited at 4 pm, June 15.

Repair Café, June 15 (Prince Albert) 
There will be a Repair Café in Prince Albert from 1-4 pm, June 15.

Native Prairie Appreciation Week, June 16-22 (Saskatchewan) 
Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan has organized a variety of activities online and in Moose Jaw, Regina, and Swift Current to celebrate Native Prairie Appreciation Week.

EnviroCollective, June 17 (Regina) 
Regina EnviroCollective is meeting from 7-9 pm, June 17.

Intro to Permaculture, June 19 (Regina) 
Learn about the design principles of permaculture from 7-8:30 pm, June 19, at the Prince of Wales Branch Library.

Bokashi & Vermicomposting, June 19 (Saskatoon) 
Join Saskatoon Compost Coaches for a workshop on bokashi and vermicomposting from 5:30-7 pm, June 19.

Camping Basics for Newcomers, June 20 (Regina) 
Newcomers to Canada are invited to learn the basics of camping from 7-8 pm, June 20, at the George Bothwell Branch Library.

Bat Stewardship & Citizen Science, June 20 (webinar) 
James Page will discuss bat stewardship and citizen science in a noon-hour webinar on June 20.

Coyote Walk, June 21-23 (Regina) 
Artist Jay White will hide from other humans as he walks and camps around Regina from June 21-23. The walk ends prematurely if White is spotted by a human at close range. Members of the public are invited to participate as trackers.

Wildlife Rehab Volunteers, June 22 (Swift Current) 
WRSOS is looking for wildlife rehabilitation volunteers throughout Saskatchewan. They’ll be in Swift Current at 2:30 pm, June 23. Email volunteer@wrsos.org to save your spot.

A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar 

Chickadee with caterpillar

In the News
Put your dollars to work preventing illegal uncontrolled agricultural drainage in Saskatchewan.

WUQWATR is looking for lake enthusiasts in central and southern Saskatchewan to participate in a water sampling project. For more information, contact Melissa Bramham at 306-946-6533 or melissa@wuqwatr.ca.

Endangered Grasslands Alliance, a new Saskatoon-based group, wants to save native grasslands - starting with Saskatoon's Northeast Swale.

Professor Cherie Westbrook is compiling information about Saskatoon’s beavers. Let her know, with GPS coordinates and photograph if possible, if you spot a beaver or a new lodge along the river.

100 all-candidate debates on the environment are being planned across Canada on October 7.

“A one-way flight from Ottawa to Toronto generates roughly 4,718 kg of carbon dioxide, which is about as much pollution as a car emits in an entire year.”

Reusable coffee cups and a package-free supermarket are on trial in the UK.

A municipality is sowing 27 wildflower meadows in its parks and open spaces to create a 7-mile bee corridor.

The Climate Change Toolkit for Health Professionals provides educational and advocacy resources.


“The pigeon is not a glamorous bird,” but Jon Day, author of Homing, “comes to admire their resilience, the ‘cocky, parasitic chanciness’ that allows them to thrive cheek-by-jowl with us.” [book review]

A praise song for unloved animals – even the most maligned creatures of backyards and roadsides have a potent purpose in the world.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).