Tuesday, 26 February 2019

EcoSask News, February 26, 2019

ice and grass

Upcoming Events
Enviro Collective Regina, Feb. 28 (Regina) 
The Regina Enviro Collective is meeting from 7-9 pm, Feb. 28.

Carbon Sequestration on the Prairies, Feb. 28 (webinar) 
Sean Chuan, ARECA, will present a webinar on carbon sequestration on the Prairies at noon, Feb. 28.

Water Conservation, Feb. 28 (Regina) 
Join the Regina Horticultural Society for a discussion on irrigation and water conservation from 7-8:30 pm, Feb. 28.

SK Species at Risk, Feb. 28 (Saskatoon)
Greg Fenty will discuss the alarming decline in the number of Saskatchewan songbirds and other species at Wild Birds Unlimited at 7 pm, Feb. 28.

Contaminant Levels in Arctic Shorebirds, Mar. 1 (Saskatoon)
Katelyn Luff and Ella Lunny will discuss contaminant levels in Arctic shorebirds at 3:30 pm, Mar. 1, as part of the WildEcol seminar series at the U of S.

Wascana Park in Winter, Mar. 2 (Regina) 
Join Nature Regina on their Wascana Park field trip from 9 am-noon, Mar. 2.

Judicial Review, Mar. 5 (webinar) 
Learn about the basics of judicial review of government processes and decision-making from Charles Hatt, a staff lawyer at Ecojustice, from 1-2 pm EST, Mar. 5.

Smarter Science, Better Buildings, Mar. 5-22 (Moose Jaw) 
Grade 7 students and the general public are invited to view the Smarter Science, Better Buildings exhibit at the Moose Jaw Western Development Museum March 5-22.

Species at Risk Farm Program, Mar. 6 (Assiniboia, Weyburn)
Heather Peat Hamm will discuss the species at risk farm program at 1 pm, Mar. 6, in Assiniboia and at 7 pm, Mar. 6, in Weyburn.

City of Saskatoon Climate Change Update, Mar. 6 (Saskatoon) 
Kristin Bruce and Hilary Carlson will share a climate change update for the City of Saskatoon at the Mar. 6 meeting of the Energy Management Task Force.

Swift Current Creek Watershed Stewards AGM, Mar. 7 (Swift Current) 
Everyone is welcome to attend the annual meeting of the Swift Current Creek Watershed Stewards at 1 pm, Mar. 7.

ice and grass

Looking Ahead
Balancing Self-Care & Community Care, Mar. 11 (Saskatoon) 
The Saskatoon Enviro Collective is hosting a potluck supper and discussion about the balance and interplay between self-care and community care from 6:30-9:30 pm, Mar. 11. Register early as spots are limited.

Winter Camping Workshop, Mar. 19 (Regina) 
Learn some tips and tricks for camping in below zero temperatures from 5:30-8 pm, Mar. 19.

A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar

In the News
Hundreds of pounds of food waste are being turned into valuable compost at the University of Saskatchewan.

Cities need to consider the overall urban forest, not just individual trees: "Debates over infill often focus on highly visible local impacts, such as local vehicle trips and tree losses, but ignore the much larger traffic impacts and habitat losses that would result from more urban fringe development."

"Our habitual way of dealing with Mother Nature assumes that we talk and she listens, full stop, end of sentence. That habit hasn’t worked well, to say the least, and the further we push it, the more disastrous the results are likely to be. What we need to recognize, rather, is that we’re engaged in a conversation with the old broad. We said 'pollution,' she quipped 'zebra mussels;' we said 'internal combustion engines,' and she smiled and said 'coastal flooding.' We can listen to her responses and learn from them—or not, and find out the hard way what else she has to say."

"It has become a habit to walk my yard the way I walk in forests, with senses wide open to wonder."

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).