Tuesday, 20 November 2018

EcoSask News, November 20, 2018


Upcoming Events 
Why We Should Listen to the Plants, Nov. 20 (Saskatoon)
Dr. Prakash Venglat will discuss what we can learn from plants about stress, adaptability, and thriving in new environments at the 7:30 pm, Nov. 20, meeting of Café Scientifique Saskatoon.

Human-Polar Bear Conflicts, Nov. 23 (Saskatoon)
There will be a presentation on Human-Polar Bear Conflicts at 3:30 pm, Nov. 23, as part of the WildEcol Seminar series.

Ferruginous Hawks, Nov. 24 (Fort Qu’Appelle)
Ryan Fisher will discuss ferruginous hawk research on the Prairies at the 7 pm, Nov. 24, meeting of the Fort Qu’Appelle Nature Society. Meetings are held at the Fort Qu’Appelle Train Station.

Species at Risk: Grasslands National Park, Nov. 26 (Val Marie)
Parks Canada ecologists will provide an update on species at risk in Grasslands National Park at 7 pm, Nov. 26, in Val Marie.

Greater Sage-Grouse Update, Nov. 27 (Glentworth)
Ministry of Environment will provide an update on their work with Greater Sage-Grouse at 7 pm, Nov. 27, in Glentworth.

Forestry Farm Park & Zoo, Nov. 27 (Saskatoon)
The City of Saskatoon is hosting an information session to share the new Master Plan for the Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park & Zoo at 7 pm, Nov. 27. The Plan will be available online effective Nov. 28.

DIY Green Cleaners, Nov. 27 (Regina)
Learn how to eliminate toxins from your home and create natural cleaning products from 7-8:30 pm, Nov. 27, at the Sunrise Branch, Regina Public Library.

Storytime at the Zoo, Nov. 27/28 (Saskatoon)
Enjoy a story in the company of an animal at the Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park & Zoo from 1:30-2:30 pm, Nov. 27 & 28.

Sea of Life, Nov. 28 (Regina)
Sea of Life, a visit to the world’s oceans, will be screened at 6:30 pm, Nov. 28, in Regina.

Sharp-tailed Grouse, Nov. 29 (webinar)
Brandon Burda will discuss Sharp-tailed Grouse: Tools for Managing in a Changing Environment in a noon-hour webinar hosted by SK PCAP on Nov. 29.

Christmas in Who-scana-ville, Dec. 1 (Regina)
Wascana Centre is hosting an outdoor nature program for kids from 12-3 pm, Dec. 1.


Looking Ahead
Climate Alarm March, Dec. 8
Citizens for Climate are inviting communities around the world to join with people in France in holding a climate alarm march on Dec. 8 to to encourage world representatives during the COP24 to make serious commitments to adopt important measures limiting global warming.

A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar 

In the News
Kristen Martin and Jared Clarke are fighting climate change with conviction and native grasses.

The City of Regina set a new record this year by collecting over 800 tonnes of leaf and yard waste. Due to increased volumes, they’ll be replacing current depots with a single site open from April-November with additional operating days.

Congratulations to Max Abraham on receiving the Meewasin Conservation Award 2018.

Saskatoon’s Northeast Swale Watchers are sharing information from panelists who presented at their last event – MORE Than an Urban Park on their Facebook page.

How will Saskatoon’s George Genereux Urban Regional Park be affected by development plans for the surrounding area?

The plastic backlash - what’s behind our sudden rage and will it make a difference?

Pathways to zero-energy buildings need to focus on energy efficiency as well as renewable energy options such as solar.

Both parks and cemeteries support bird diversity. More trees and a larger site contribute to greater species richness.

Conflicting priorities - grand old trees vs affordable housing.

World Climate Simulation game players come away with a strong desire to learn and do more about climate change.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).