Tuesday 16 October 2018

EcoSask News, October 16, 2018

Mallard duck (female)

Upcoming Events
Smarter Science, Better Buildings, Oct. 15-Nov. 12 (Yorkton) 
Grade 7 students in Yorkton can visit the Smarter Science, Better Buildings exhibit at the Western Development Museum from Oct. 15-Nov. 12.

Let’s Make Regina 100% Renewable, Oct. 16 (Regina) 
Regina's Blue Dot Movement and some of Regina's City Councillors are hosting a panel discussion on making Regina 100% renewable by 2050 from 7-8:30 pm, Oct. 16.

Car Seat Recycling, Oct. 17 (Regina & Saskatoon) 
Take advantage of a one-month pilot project to recycle infant seats, convertible seats, and booster seats in Regina and Saskatoon starting Oct. 17.

Nature Immersion Walks, Oct. 18 & 19 (Saskatoon) 
Participate in a nature immersion walk from 1-3 pm, Oct. 18 or from 1-3 pm, Oct.19.

Sustainability on Campus, Oct. 19 (Saskatoon) 
Join the U of S Office of Sustainability from 12-1 pm or over a pint at 5 pm, every third Friday of the month.

Repair Cafés, Oct. 20 (Prince Albert & Saskatoon)
Bring your broken things to be mended at Repair Cafés in Prince Albert and Saskatoon:
     Prince Albert - 1-4 pm
     Saskatoon - 10 am-4 pm

Mallard duck

Seed Saving Workshop, Oct. 23 (Prince Albert) 
Join the Prince Albert Permaculture Guild at 7 pm, Oct. 23, as they package seeds for the Prince Albert Seed Library.

Nature and Me, Oct. 24 (Regina) 
Join Nature Conservancy of Canada at 7 pm, Oct. 24, for a discussion about our complicated relationship with nature and how it stands to impact our future. Obtain a 40% reduction when you register with the promo code NCCFRIENDS.

Standing Rock, Oct. 24 (Regina) 
Cinema Politica Regina is showing two films about Standing Rock at 6:30 pm, Oct. 24.

Sustainability Lunch & Learn, Oct. 24 (Regina) 
Learn about the City of Regina’s recycling and waste reduction/diversion plans at a lunch & learn at Innovation Place at 12 pm, Oct. 24.

Hallowe’en Nature Program, Oct. 27 (Regina)
Kids will enjoy meeting live animals and making spooky discoveries at the Wascana Spooktacular, 12-3 pm, Oct. 27.

Dark Skies at the Creek, Oct. 27 (Saskatoon) 
Celebrate International Bat Week at the Beaver Creek Conservation Area from 12-5 pm and from 6:30-11 pm, Oct. 27. Meet some nocturnal animals and view the night sky. Book your spot now for the evening event as registration is limited.

A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar 

Birds of Saskatchewan 
Birds of Saskatchewan by Alan R. Smith, Stuart C. Houston, and J. Frank Roy is now available from Nature Saskatchewan. The 800-page, full-colour book provides a comprehensive compendium of Saskatchewan’s birds. Receive a discount by purchasing before December 15.

In the News 
Cowessess First Nation solar and wind power site is expected to generate up to 400 kilowatts of renewable energy

Differing opinions on the cause of Quill Lakes flooding are delaying a solution

Canada should prioritize land conservation in high-priority regions (as illustrated) and promote connectivity

New technologies make it easier to reduce energy demand at peak times

Dismantling buildings piece by piece to preserve the reusable parts keeps materials out of landfills and creates more jobs than demolition 

Reduction of hydrofluorocarbons could buy us time until carbon emissions are brought under control

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).