Tuesday, 9 January 2018
EcoSask News, January 9, 2018
Upcoming Events
Science Experiments, Jan. 16 (Saskatoon)
Kids are invited to get their hands dirty with science experiments at the JS Wood Library from 7-8 pm, Jan. 16. Please register.
Wasted, Jan. 16 (Saskatoon)
Watch Wasted: The Story of Food Waste at The Two Twenty’s Community Film Night, Jan. 16.
Cinema Politica, Jan. 17 (Regina)
Cinema Politica is showing two films at 7 pm, Jan. 17, at the University of Regina. The Good Neighbour looks at people living near the oil sands in Alberta. Hands-On profiles 5 women tackling climate change through policy, protest, education, and innovation.
Transit Villages Pop-Up Workshop, Jan. 17/18 (Saskatoon)
Transit Villages, large commercial sites designed to be hubs of activity where home, work, and entertainment coincide, will be part of Saskatoon’s future rapid transit system. The public is invited to help plan these villages during pop-up workshops from 4-8:30 pm, Jan. 17, and 10 am-8 pm, Jan. 18, at Confederation Mall.
Friends of Wascana Marsh AGM, Jan. 18 (Regina)
Join the Friends of Wascana Marsh for their AGM at 7 pm, Jan. 18 at the Saskatchewan Science Centre (small theatre). Learn about the group and hear a presentation about Gardening for Birds by Kim Mann.
Balancing Agriculture & the Wider Ecosystem, Jan. 18 (Saskatoon)
Darrin Qualman will discuss Low-input Agriculture: A solution for birds, bugs, the climate, and farm income at the Jan. 18 meeting of the Saskatoon Nature Society.
The Mysteries of Proxima Centauri, Jan. 18 (Regina)
Dr. Martin Beech will discuss the mysteries of Proxima Centauri at the Jan. 18 Science Pub in Regina.
Garbage Warrior, Jan. 18 (Regina)
Watch Garbage Warrior about a man who turns garbage into energy-independent housing at 7 pm, Jan. 18, at the Regina Public Library.
Loraas Recycling, Jan. 18 (Saskatoon)
Learn about Loraas’ local recycling facility, environmental effects of recycling, diversion techniques, and other tips and tricks at noon, Jan. 18, at Innovation Place, Saskatoon.
Spin by Evalyn Parry, Jan. 19 (Saskatoon)
Join Saskatoon Cycles for the musical and spoken word performance, Spin by Evalyn Parry, at 7 pm, Jan. 19, in Saskatoon.
Experiments in Botanical Art, Jan. 20 (Regina)
Try your hand at botanical art from 1-4 pm, Jan. 20, at the George Bothwell Branch Library, Regina.
Echo Valley Loppet & Snowshoeing, Jan. 20 (Regina)
Regina Ski Club is hosting a loppet on the Echo Valley Provincial Park Ski Trails and a Learn to Snowshoe event from 9 am-3 pm, Jan. 20.
Looking Ahead
Rubbish: A Dinner about Food Waste, Feb. 5 (Regina)
The Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council is hosting a dinner highlighting the issue of food waste on Feb. 5 in Regina. The Backyard will create a delicious meal using foods that would often go to waste.
Wascana Junior Naturalists, Mar. 6-May 8 (Regina)
Registration is now open for the spring session of Wascana Junior Naturalists (Mar. 6, 20, 27; Apr. 10, 17; May 1, 8). Activities include astronomy, water sampling, fish surveying, and more.
A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar
In the News
Plastic plants, manicured lawns, neatly trimmed trees - how might we get back to wildness?
Two thirds of us rarely or never talk about climate change - this has to change if we want to develop broad-based collective support.
A Welsh hamlet of social housing used local labour and materials, passive house design, and solar power. And they provide an electric car for residents to share.
A surprising study shows fungicides may be a major threat to bees.
From snow golf to winter picnics - fun outdoor winter activities for the young at heart.
EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include.
You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).