Tuesday, 14 November 2017

EcoSask News, November 14, 2017


Upcoming Events
Islands of Grass (various)
Islands of Grass by Branimir Gjetvaj and Trevor Herriot will be launched Nov. 14 and 15 in Regina and Saskatoon respectively. Trevor Herriot will be speaking at a number of additional events on Nov. 16, Nov. 18, and Nov. 20. Both Branimir and Trevor will be presenting at McNally Robinson Booksellers in Saskatoon on Nov. 21. Check the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar for full details.

Disruptive Innovation Festival, Nov. 6-24 (online)
The online Disruptive Innovation Festival, Nov. 6-24, asks what if we could re-design everything. Topics include the circular economy, regenerative agriculture, using fungus to destroy plastic waste, and much more.

Carbon Tax Debate, Nov. 17 (Regina)
A panel discussion, Should a Carbon Tax be Part of the Plan to Combat Global Warming, will be held from 2:30-4 pm, Nov. 17, at the University of Regina.

Talkin’ ‘bout Hidden Fossils, Nov. 20 (Regina)
Ryan McKellar will talk about his research on insects and other fossils trapped in amber at the Nov. 20 meeting of Nature Regina.

Royal Astronomical Society General Meeting, Nov. 20 (Saskatoon)
The Royal Astronomical Society, Saskatoon Centre, is holding a general meeting from 8-9:30 pm, Nov. 20.

Let’s Talk Climate Change, Nov. 21 (Saskatoon)
Hayley Carlson, and Rachel Malenachan will discuss Let’s Talk Climate Change: How to Build Bridges in Saskatoon at 7 pm, Nov. 21, as part of the SES/Public Library Sustainable Speaker Series.

Burrowing Owls: Conservation in Saskatchewan, Nov. 23 (Regina)
Join PCAP-SK for breakfast and a presentation on Burrowing Owls: A Symbol of Conservation in Saskatchewan from 8-9 am, Nov. 23, at Agribition.

Banding Hummingbirds, Nov. 25 (Fort Qu’Appelle)
Jared Clarke will discuss his summer of banding hummingbirds at the Fort Qu’Appelle Nature Society meeting at the train station from 7-9 pm, Nov. 25.


Looking Ahead
Conservation Awareness & Appreciation Supper, Nov. 29 (Glentworth)
Nature Saskatchewan is holding a free Conservation Awareness & Appreciation Supper in Glentworth on Nov. 29.

Building Operator Training, Dec. 1 (Prince Albert)
The Saskatchewan Environmental Society is offering a one-day workshop on Dec. 1 in Prince Albert for small businesses that would like to make their building more energy-efficient.

A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar

In the News
Settle down for a good read with six environmentally-themed books

There is reason for hope: 7 megatrends that could beat global warming

The UK will back a total ban on neonicotinoids. If only Canada would do the same as neonics have been found to harm songbirds as well as bees.

Urban flower patches — in parks, residential properties, community vegetable plots, and vacant lots — support surprisingly healthy populations of bees

“If the First Nation gets its wish, a judge would force the Ministry of Environment to put the controversial project through a science-based review process to suss out whether redirecting seven million cubic metres of water from Kutawagan Lake and Pel Lake into Last Mountain Lake could produce some negative impacts.”

Rural Saskatchewan municipalities are concerned about a growing beaver population. Let’s hope they turn to The Fur Bearers for help in finding non-lethal solutions.

"Degrowth means embracing sufficiency for all, rather than excess for a few, and culturally, it means imagining a good life beyond consumerism." Art can help the degrowth movement in 3 ways: through story, myth, and narrative; engaging the heart as much as the head; and presenting information in an attractive, compelling way.

It ain’t natural: how we know humans are causing climate change

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

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