Upcoming Events
Bird Impact Reduction Day, Apr. 11
Windows – in our homes, offices, stores – can be a death sentence for birds. Here are 10 things we can do to save birds’ lives.
Easter Week at the Creek, Apr. 17-21 (Saskatoon)
Visit Beaver Creek during Easter break, Apr. 17-21. You can hike a nature trail, feed the chickadees, or explore the interpretive centre.
Sask Breeding Bird Atlas, Apr. 18 (Nature Prince Albert)
Nature Prince Albert is looking for people to help with the Saskatchewan Breeding Bird Atlas. Additional information will be provided at their Apr. 18 meeting from 7:30-9 pm.
Visit the Zoo, Apr. 18, 19, 20 (Saskatoon)
Visit the Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park and Zoo from 1-3 pm, Apr. 18, 19, and 20, and Saskatoon Zoo Society interpreters will introduce you to some of the socialized animals.
Sustainable Landscapes, Apr. 18 (Saskatoon)
Patricia Hanbidge will provide tips on how to design, grow, and maintain a sustainable landscape and garden at 7 pm, Apr. 18, at the Frances Morrison Library as part of the Sustainable Speaker Series.
Saskatoon Seed Library, Apr. 18 (Saskatoon)
Karen Farmer, Saskatoon Seed Library, will talk about how to get seeds, Canadian seed insecurity, and the work being done around Saskatoon at the Cliff Wright Library from 1-2:30 pm, Apr. 18.
Bugs on the Menu, Apr. 19 (Regina)
The Royal Saskatchewan Museum is screening Bugs on the Menu at 6:30 pm, Apr. 19, as part of Canada Film Day 150.
Bidder 70, Apr. 19 (Regina)
Cinema Politica will be screening Bidder 70 about climate activist Tim DeChristopher at 7 pm, Apr. 19, in Regina.
Overlapping Human & Animal Behaviour, Apr. 20 (Saskatoon)
Dr. Joe Stookey will discuss the similarities between animal and human behaviour at the Apr. 20 meeting of the Saskatoon Nature Society.
Wildernook Launch Party, Apr. 21 (Saskatoon)
Celebrate the launch of Wildernook Fresh Air Learning from 7:30-9:30 pm, Apr. 21, at Drift Café.
Zoo Run, Apr. 23 (Saskatoon)
The Saskatoon Zoo Society is hosting its annual Zoo Run from 9-11 am, Apr. 23.
Saskatoon Nature Society Field Trips
Saskatoon Young Naturalists
Apr. 18, 6:30-8 pm – Crocus Hike
May 31-June 30 – Bluebird Trail
July 14, 1-3 pm – Butterfly Field Trip
Space is limited; register early to avoid disappointment.
Golden Eagles
Apr. 20, 8 am – Brightwater Marsh
Apr. 27, 8 am – Osler area, including Neuhorst Sloughs
Retirees and partners who are interested in birds and the natural world are invited to participate in Golden Eagle field trips.
Other Saskatoon Nature Society Field Trips
Apr. 15, 2-4 pm – Crocus Hike to Cranberry Flats
Apr. 22, 4:45-8 am – Short-tailed Grouse Dance to NE Swale
Check the Saskatoon Nature Society’s website for full details and updated information.
Nature Regina Field Trips
Apr. 15, 8:30 am-4 pm – Spring Discoveries on Route 99
Check Nature Regina’s website for full details and updated information.
A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar
In the News
The Prince Albert Seed Library is a collaborative effort between Prince Albert Parkland Permaculture Guild and John M. Cuelenaere Public Library
The Prairie Climate Centre has launched a new series of publications on building climate-resilient cities - from ecosystems to food and water to economics
Dressing to impress has an environmental cost - 1 kg of denim generates 23 kg of greenhouse gases
EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include.
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