Tuesday, 27 September 2016

EcoSask News, September 27, 2016


Upcoming Events
GRIDS, Sept. 29 (Saskatoon) 
Members of GRIDS (Generation for Renewable Innovation and Development in Saskatoon) are meeting at 6:30 pm, Sept. 29, at Winston’s Pub, to discuss the organization’s mission, vision, and goals.

Electric Cars & Low-Emission Driving, Sept. 29 (Saskatoon) 
Find out more about the practicalities of electric cars and the models on their way to market at 7 pm, Sep. 29, at The Stand.

Sustainable Development in an Unequal World, Sept. 30 (Saskatoon) 
Join the College of Medicine’s panel and discussion on development, health and the role of communities in the fight for a sustainable and just world at 7:15 pm, Sept. 30.

Household Hazardous Waste Day, Oct. 1 (Regina) 
You can dispose of household hazardous waste, major appliances, rimless tires, and some electronics at the City of Regina’s Public Works Yard (2425 4th Avenue) from 9 am – 3:45 pm on Oct. 1.

Sprague’s Pipit, Oct. 3 (Regina Weyburn) 
Phil Rose, University of Regina, will discuss Sprague's Pipit: The Status and Habitat Requirements of a Threatened Grassland Bird at 7 pm, Oct. 3, in Regina Weyburn, as part of PCAP-SK’s Native Prairie Speaker Series.

Pipelines, Power & Democracy, Oct. 5 (Saskatoon) 
The film Pipelines, Power & Democracy at 2 pm, Oct. 5, at the Frances Morrison Library, documents the growth of an anti-pipeline movement in Quebec.

Temperance Street Passive House, Oct. 5 (Saskatoon) 
Robin Adair will describe how he built the Temperance Street Passive House at the Oct. 5 meeting of the Saskatchewan Energy Management Task Force.

Every River Has a Story, Oct. 16-19 (Saskatoon) 
Tickets are now available for Every River Has a Story . . . What Is Yours? from October 16-19 in Saskatoon. Keynote speakers include Maude Barlow, Danika Littlechild, and Trevor Herriot.

Saskatoon Nature Society Field Trips 
Golden Eagles 
Oct. 6, 9 am – Whooping Cranes
Oct. 13, 9 am – Goose Trip, Donovan Area
Oct. 20, 9 am - Blackstrap
Retirees and partners who are interested in birds and the natural world are invited to participate in Golden Eagle field trips.

Other Saskatoon Nature Society Field Trips 
October – Saw-whet Owl Banding – contact Marten Stoffel if interested
Oct. 2, 9 am-noon – Post Fall Meet Trip to Blackstrap
Oct. 8, 8 am-5 pm – Whooping Crane Trip
Oct. 10, 9:30-11:30 am – Woodlawn Cemetery & Weir
Check the Saskatoon Nature Society’s website for full details and updated information.

A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar 

In the News 
Vote for the Swale (Saskatoon) 
"a ribbon of wild prairie and natural wetlands that represents the conservation opportunity of a lifetime for the City of Saskatoon" 
The Northeast Swale Watchers have a launched a website and video with 5 questions to ask municipal election candidates to ensure that the Swale is protected.

The Swale Watchers hold regular meetings with speakers and discussions about issues such as light pollution, contaminants, and wildlife protection. They welcome new members and can be reached at swalewatchers@gmail.com

Keeping Beaver Families Together 
The City of Saskatoon, like many communities across Canada, treats beavers as pests, killing them when they deem necessary (e.g. damaging trees). The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals recently spent a week in and around Calgary, teaching Calgary Parks staff, other municipalities, and various non-profits, how to install and maintain the life-saving devices that keep beaver families together. Flow devices, which allow beavers to remain in place while protecting infrastructure and property, as well as tree-wrapping, were the subject of two days of workshops.

Wouldn’t it be great if The Fur-Bearers were invited to Saskatchewan to share their life-saving ideas?

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).