Tuesday, 7 January 2014

EcoSask News, January 7, 2014


Permaculture Potluck, Jan. 16 
Everyone is welcome at the Permaculture Research Institute’s potluck supper and presentation on January 16. Brit MacDonald, Urban Agriculture Coordinator at the Saskatoon Food Bank, will discuss nine urban agriculture projects she explored in the United States.

Flight of the Butterflies, Jan. 16 
Experience the monarch butterfly migration with the Flight of the Butterflies at the Saskatchewan Science Centre’s IMAX theatre, starting January 16 in Regina.

Wildlife & Agriculture, Jan. 16
Join the Saskatoon Nature Society at 7:30 pm, January 16, in Room 106, Biology Building, U of S, for a discussion with Nettie Wiebe on balancing the needs of humans and the natural world.

Future-Proof Your Home, Jan. 21 
Shane Wolffe, author of How to Future Proof Your Home: A Guide to Building with Energy Intelligence in Cold Climates, will talk about building a more comfortable, environmentally-friendly home in Saskatoon at 7 pm, January 21, at the Frances Morrison Library as part of the Saskatchewan Environmental Society’s Library Speaker Series.

SK Grasslands, Jan. 24 
Branimir Gjetvaj is giving an illustrated talk on Saskatchewan’s grasslands on Friday, January 24 from 2-3 pm at the Frances Morrison Library.

Living Sky Fundraiser, Jan. 25 
Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation is holding a Steak Night Fundraiser (chicken/vegetarian options also available) at 6 pm, January 25, at Crackers on Pinehouse Drive. Call 306.652.5975 for tickets.

Ice Cycle, Feb. 1
Don’t miss Ice Cycle at 4:30 pm on February 1, the “coolest bicycle ride on the planet.”

Wildlife Rehab Course, Feb. 1-2 
The Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Saskatchewan is offering a Basic Wildlife Rehabilitation Course in Saskatoon, February 1 and 2.


Take Action 
We can make a difference. We just need to take action. Here are a few ideas:

Facebook ‘friend’ a bear or shark

Crowdsource a green corridor through your city – they’re doing it in Toronto

Reduce your water consumption

Thumbs Up 
New energy storage options have the potential to decarbonize our electricity system

The Endangered Species Act turns 40, demonstrating the power of a single visionary law

Thumbs Down 
U of S biologist says Prairie wetlands are threatened by neonicotinoid pesticides being used on nearly half the Prairie cropland 

Concerns raised about the health risks from a proposed metal processing plant in Langham 

Hormone-disrupting chemicals linked to fracking in Colorado River

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

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