Tuesday, 28 January 2014
EcoSask News, January 28, 2014
Winter Cycling Workshop, Jan. 28
It may be cold outside, but that shouldn't stop you cycling. Find out more at the USSU's Winter Cycling Workshop on Tuesday, January 28, from 4:30-5:30 pm at Louis' Loft, U of S. Chance to win a free set of winter tires!
Escape Winter – Food Gardening, Feb. 8
Join the Prairie Master Gardeners for a day devoted to food gardening. Workshops include Small Space Gardening, Culinary Herbs, Harvesting & Storing Produce for Winter, and Starting a Horticultural Enterprise.
Global Citizen Awards, Feb. 8
Mark Bigland-Pritchard will receive a Global Citizen Award from the Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation at 7 pm on February 8 at Louis’ Loft, University of Saskatchewan.
Wildlife Rehab, Feb. 9
Jan Shadick, who started Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation, will be speaking at the Wild Birds Unlimited store on February 9 at 1:30 pm.
Passive House Presentation, Feb. 11
ASHRAE Saskatoon invites you to attend a presentation on Passive House and Low Energy Buildings by Certified Passive House Designer, Stuart Fix, president of ReNu Building Science. RSVP by February 7.
Native Plant Conference, Feb. 14-15
The Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan is hosting their 19th annual meeting and conference in Regina, February 14 and 15. The theme is landscape ecology. The keynote speaker is Jessamyn Manson, University of Alberta, who will speak on the relationship between plants and their animal pollinators.
Take Action
We can make a difference. We just need to take action. Here are a couple of ideas:
Create a butterfly habitat corridor
Use YardMap (Cornell Lab of Ornithology) to attract more birds to your backyard and share your results with others
Thought Provoking
Wind Power Hits Roadblocks
Many people are predicting that community-based energy generation is the way of the future. But it’s difficult to initiate. As a result, Saskatoon Community Wind must tackle high start-up costs and lots of difficulties. Should the City of Saskatoon lend their support to this project?
Fashion – too trendy, too cheap, too much
“Traditional sustainable clothing has focused on the process itself, but the slow fashion movement focuses on the entire cycle from start to finish.”
Thumbs Up
Tourism Saskatoon’s newly-launched Green Stem program encourages member businesses to adopt sustainability practices and strengthen their environmental commitment
U of S students are campaigning to ban sale of bottled water
EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.
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