Tuesday, 2 April 2013

EcoSask News, April 2, 2013

signs of spring

Upcoming Events
Environmental Society AGM, Apr. 9
The Saskatchewan Environmental Society will hold its Annual General Meeting on April 9 at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market. A wine and cheese social at 7 pm will be followed at 7:30 by a talk by James Glennie, Saskatoon Community Wind. The AGM is scheduled to run from 8:15-9 pm.

Literally Place-Making, Apr.12 
Some of the Prairie’s best authors – Gail Bowen, Jennifer Cockrall-King, and Candace Savage – will be speaking at the Centre for Civic Governance’s April 12 forum on Literally Place-Making. Gail will speak on building community around the arts; Jennifer will speak on the rise in urban agriculture; and Candace will speak on the planted city. There will also be workshops on bikeable communities, managing growth, inclusive schools, and a living wage.

Yellowhead Flyway Symposium, Apr. 13
The Yellowhead Flyway Birding Trail Association will hold a symposium in Churchbridge from 11 am to 7 pm, April 13. Topics will include the community pastures and Indian Head Tree Nursery, birding by ear, Depression resettlement to the forest fringe, and what the Cree taught John Richardson in the 1800s.

Climate Change & Saskatchewan, Apr. 16 
Peter Prebble of the Saskatchewan Environmental Society will provide an update on the latest climate change science and what it means for Saskatchewan at 7 pm, April 16, at Frances Morrison Library.

Environmental Film Festivals 
The Saskatchewan Eco Network is hosting film festivals in both Saskatoon (April 18-21) and Regina (April 20-21).

The Saskatoon schedule is available online. Thursday evening is all about water. The Environmental Activist awards will be presented on Friday evening, followed by Chasing Ice, and the Green Un-Gala. A wide range of films will be shown on Saturday and Sunday with topics ranging from environmental activism to light pollution.

signs of spring

The Cowessess First Nation’s wind turbine started generating power at 8:05 am, March 28. The project is one of the first to use a wind turbine in conjunction with a lithium-ion battery to smooth the flow of electricity into the grid.

The Hotel Saskatchewan has installed an ORCA Green Machine which rapidly decomposes and transforms food waste into nutrient-rich grey water (via Savour Life).

The Future of Natural Prairie Pastures by Candace Savage (Canadian Geographic)

What can Saskatchewan learn from Ontario’s Urban Forest Stewardship Network, an online resource for organizations, community groups, and individuals working on urban forest initiatives?

Going for green or growth - why do we continue to ignore the connections between economic/social issues and the environment?

The more you emit, the more you pay - Disney, Microsoft, and Shell opt for self-imposed carbon emission taxes in order to encourage innovation.

Practical advice if you are trying to change people's behaviour

Playing games to encourage collective environmental change

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).