Tuesday 16 April 2013

EcoSask News, April 16, 2013


Developing a Sustainable Corporate Culture, Apr. 17
InterfaceFlor has promised to eliminate any negative impact the company may have on the environment by 2020. Find out how on Wednesday, April 17, from 1-2:15 pm, at the Canada Room, Diefenbaker Centre, University of Saskatchewan.

Sustainable Agriculture in Cuba, Apr. 18
The Permaculture Research Institute will hold their AGM and monthly potluck meeting at 6 pm, April 18, at the Unitarian Church on Second Street East. Michelle Hubbard will speak on sustainable agriculture in Cuba.

Spring Cleaning
The Meewasin Affinity Credit Union Clean-Up Campaign will kick off on Friday, April 19, and run until May 12. Register online or in person with Meewasin Valley Authority.

Native Plants to Attract Wildlife, Apr. 27
The Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan will lead a discussion on native plants to attract wildlife at Wild Birds Unlimited (330A 2600 8th Street East) at 2 pm on April 27.

Native Plant Society Summer Field Tours
The Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan is planning four summer field tours, one in each corner of the province. Everyone is welcome to join these trips to enjoy beautiful scenery and admire and help protect rare plants.

Permaculture Design Certificate Course
A two-week Permaculture Design Certificate course will be held at Craik Eco Village from July 14-28. Register before May 1 to receive Early Bird rates ($1,350 includes accommodation, meals, and course text).

Filming Chasing Ice
Chasing Ice will be shown in Saskatoon on April 19 as part of the SEN Environmental Film Festival. Find out more about the photographer and his efforts to film the melting glaciers.

Tour Bus Fuel
A Vancouver Island cooperative is turning used cooking oil into biodiesel - and it’s fueling a fleet of tour buses.

Going Solar
Solar power is a huge potential resource, but the problems with deployment must be addressed.

Street Art
Take a look at Roadsworth’s street art.

He says, “I was provoked by a desire to jolt the driver from his impassive and linear gaze and give the more slow-moving pedestrian pause for reflection. The humourlessness of the language of the road not to mention what I consider an absurd reverence for the road and 'car culture' in general made for an easy form of satire."

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

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