Tuesday, 5 May 2020
EcoSask News, May 5, 2020
Upcoming Events (online)
Caring Sustainably for Saskatchewan, May 12-June 16 (webinars)
The Caring Sustainably for Saskatchewan Collaboration is hosting a free webinar series on Tuesdays and Thursdays from May 12 to June 16 about addressing climate change at the local and provincial levels.
Sustainability Awards, May 13
RCE Saskatchewan's 2020 Education for Sustainable Development Recognition Event is a virtual event from 9:30-noon, May 13. To attend, email the Event Coordinator at rcesk.event@gmail.com.
Environmental Philanthropy, May 14 (webinar)
The Sustainability Network is offering a webinar on environmental philanthropy: what now, what next? at 11 am (in Saskatchewan), May 14.
More and more events are going online. Be sure to check the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar for details.
Local News
Birds in Real Danger, Saskatoon (BIRDS) needs your help in documenting bird window strikes in order to educate the public and gain support for the adoption of bird-friendly guidelines for buildings. Contact lswr@sasktel.net and join BIRDS in looking for evidence of window strikes in Saskatoon’s downtown area, on the University campus, or in your own neighbourhood.
The University of Saskatchewan’s 2019 Sustainability Report is now available online.
A new telescope at the Sleaford Observatory near Saskatoon allows users to go online, at any time of day, using a web-based program to schedule telescope observations.
Pronghorn are no longer at risk of extinction, but they still face many barriers.
Educational Resources
Basic bike maintenance: how to do your own spring tune-up.
The NatureForAll Discovery Zone includes resources from all its partners - from videos to lesson plans, comic books to coloring books.
Students across generations are flocking to online courses on movement building and the Green New Deal.
Build your own pinhole video camera.
From Information to Action
Cleaning up orphan oil and gas wells is a good start, but we need a long-term strategy for industry responsibility, economic diversity, and sustainable systems.
A movement is growing to retrain oil workers for the emerging renewables sector.
Coronavirus counter-measures have resulted in a record drop in fossil-fuel demand, but will it have a lasting impact? [infographic]
Next to water, sand is our most consumed natural resource – and it’s becoming scarce.
Efforts to ban single-use plastic have come to a screeching halt, without evidence that plastic is safer than other reusable packaging.
The changing role of sidewalks – from hygiene to equality to transportation.
Good News
Europe's first solar panel recycling plant opens in France.
A Dutch company will lease you a pair of jeans for 12 months. When the year is up, you can keep them, exchange them, or return them for recycling.
Hydrogen has been used to power commercial steel production for the first time in a pilot project in Sweden.
The beauty and diversity of the world’s insects.
EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include.
You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).