Tuesday, 3 March 2020

EcoSask News, March 3, 2020

pelican mural

Upcoming Events
Winter by the Lake, Mar. 7 (Anglin Lake) 
Enjoy cross-country skiing and snowshoeing at Anglin Lake from 1-4 pm, Mar. 7.

Spring Babies, Mar. 7 (Regina) 
Find out about the spring baby boom and what you should do if you find a small wild animal at 2:30 pm, Mar. 7, at the Prince of Wales branch library.

Bluebird Housing, Mar. 8 (Moose Jaw)
Help Moose Jaw Nature Society build bluebird houses for Buffalo Pound Provincial Park from 2-5 pm, Mar. 8.

Climate Change & Water, Mar. 12 (Saskatoon) 
John Pomeroy will discuss the impact of climate change on water in Western Canada at the 7 pm, Mar. 12 session of Tox on Tap.

Beginner Bird Id, Mar. 14 (Regina) 
Learn the basics of bird identification from 2-4 pm, Mar. 14.

Winter Escape, Mar. 14 (Sask Landing)
Enjoy snowshoeing and quinzee building from 1-4 pm, Mar. 14, at Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park.

Academics for Climate, March 12, 19, 25 (Regina) 
Academics for Climate – Regina Chapter is offering the following talks in March:
Mar. 12, 7-9 pmU of R geothermal energy project
Mar. 19, 7-9 pmEvidence supporting human-induced climate change
Mar. 25, 7-9 pmTransformative technologies for rapid decarbonisation

Great horned owl silhouette

Looking Ahead
Intermediate Bird Id, Mar. 21 & 28 (Regina) 
Learn to identify birds in the Regina area from 12:30-4 pm, Mar. 21 and 28.

Intermediate Bird Id, Apr. 1, 8, 15, 22 (Saskatoon)
Use your bird book to identify common breeding birds in the Saskatoon area from 7-9 pm, Apr. 1, 8, 15, and 22.

Wildlife Rehab Training, Apr. 4/5 (Saskatoon) 
An introductory wildlife rehab training course is being offered in Saskatoon on Apr. 4 and 5.

A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar 

In Saskatchewan
Plans are underway to expand the Globe BMX track in Saskatoon’s Lakeview Park. Concerns have been raised about a lack of public consultation and about reconciling the concept of a naturalized park containing native plants, wildlife, and wetlands with increased recreational activity, which will take up more space and bring in more people. Contact EcoFriendly Sask for more information and to be put in touch with other concerned residents.

Turning waste into reusable plastic – that’s the goal of EDY Community Development Co-operative in Coronach and Wave of the Future 3D in Saskatoon.

Members of Regina’s Cathedral Area community shared their knowledge and ideas around sustainability on Saturday.

This fall, Canadian high school students from coast-to-coast (including the Winston Knoll Environmental Club, Regina) came together online to discuss biodiversity and presented a report expressing their concerns to the United Nations, Oceanwise, UNESCO, and Centre for Global Education in February.


From Information to Action
“As wildlife numbers drop and a million wild species risk vanishing forever, our pet animals accelerate the losses while more than doubling their own numbers in the last half century.” What steps can be taken to harness our love of pets?

Volunteer park rangers support the greening of London, UK, a designated National Park City, by getting local communities involved in their urban natures. The values and principles of conservation, protection and heritage of national parks are being applied to the city.

Young people ages 18-30 with an interest in politics and the environment are invited to apply by March 31 for a paid parliamentary internship with GreenPAC.

Playing for Time: Making Art as if the World Mattered: “Reconnection with nature is not a moment of magic. . . . . It’s more of a life practice – dedicated acts of imagination, creative thought, and actions, that persist through time.” [book review]

A free garden planner app includes personalized planting dates, companion planting guide, health benefits, organic pest treatments, beneficial insects, and recipes.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).