Upcoming Events
Reducing Oil & Gas Sector Emissions, Mar. 10 (Regina)
There will be a panel discussion on reducing GHG emissions in the oil and gas sector from 1:30-3 pm, Mar. 10, in Regina (video connection in Saskatoon).
Grasslands & Breeding Birds, Mar. 16 (Regina)
Join Nature Regina for a screening of Guardians of the Grasslands and an update on the SK Breeding Bird Atlas project from 7:30-9 pm, Mar. 16.
Learn to Camp, Mar. 16 (Saskatoon)
Parks Canada will provide an introduction to basic camping skills from 6:30-8:30 pm, Mar. 16.
Prairie’s Got the Goods Week, Mar. 16-20 (webinars)
Saskatchewan’s Prairie Conservation Action Plan has organized a full schedule of activities from Mar. 16-20 for Prairie’s Got the Goods Week. These include noon-hour webinars on the role of prairie lakes, wetlands, or dugouts as carbon sources or sinks on Mar. 17 and on the value of bees on Mar. 18.
Beyond Climate, Mar. 17 (Regina)
Attend a screening of Beyond Climate followed by a climate café from 7-9:30 pm, Mar. 17.
Genetic Diversity & Food Security, Mar. 17 (Saskatoon)
Dr. Axel Diederichsen and Cathy Holtslander will discuss cultivating genetic diversity for food security at 7 pm, Mar. 17, as part of the Saskatchewan Environmental Society’s Sustainable Speaker Series.
Natural Places, Mar. 19 (Saskatoon)
Enjoy great photographs and discover new places to explore at Saskatoon Nature Society’s members’ film night at 7:30 pm, Mar. 19.
Prairie Butterflies, Mar. 20 (webinar)
There will be a webinar on prairie butterflies at risk at noon, Mar. 20.
Looking Ahead
Beginner Bird Id, Mar. 26 (Saskatoon)
Learn the basics of bird identification and the major bird families from 7-9 pm, Mar. 26, in Saskatoon.
Waste ReForum, Apr. 1-3 (Regina)
Waste ReForum, to be held Apr. 1-3 in Regina, will consider how waste reduction will change going forward—from robotics to circular processes.
Repair Cafés
Three communities are holding repair cafés in the next two weeks:
Mar. 15, 12-2 pm - Repair Café - Moose Jaw
Mar. 21, 1-4 pm - Get Ready for Spring - Repair Café Prince Albert
Mar. 21, 10 am- 4 pm - Repair Café Swift Current
Saskatoon Nature Society Field Trips
Mar. 15, 2-3:30 pm – City Park Bird Walk
Mar. 22, 2-3:30 pm – Montgomery Place Bird Walk
Mar. 28, 9 am-2 pm – Bluebird Trip
Everyone is welcome. Check the Saskatoon Nature Society’s website for full details and updated information.
A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar
In Saskatchewan
The information boards from the Feb. 26 Saskatoon Freeway come-and-go event are now available online as is a survey to provide feedback (before Mar. 13).
Women in conservation: Sarah Schmid, CPAWS-SK
“Ending sprawl is a tough conversation. . . . It challenges a lot of entrenched interests and requires a new vision of what a home looks like, as well as a new vision of what development jobs can be. But we really have no choice if we want our kids to have a fighting chance at a livable future.”
The Congestion Con – a report on why more lanes and more money equals more traffic.
Four cheap (boring) transportation solutions that really work.
Two solutions for preventing insect decline: 1. Shield, dim, or turn off lights 2. Give them space.
The glut of cheap natural gas from fracking has sparked an explosion in new plastics infrastructure. “The environmental cost to society of consumer plastic products and packaging was over $139 billion in 2015. . . . Without a dramatic change in course . . . that annual figure will soar to $209 billion by 2025.”
A new publication, Ecological Solutions and Evidence, is designed “to encourage sharing of work, lessons learned, and research between practitioners and scientists.”
EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include.
You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).