Friday, 17 May 2019

I Spy with my Wild Eye: Saskatoon's 2019 NatureCity Festival

Saskatoon’s NatureCity Festival returns from May 21-26 with over 60 events. It’s an opportunity to get to know your wild neighbours, try your hand at citizen science, play, and create. Here are just a few activities that caught our attention. For full details, check out Wild About Saskatoon’s website.

Urban Wild
Factoria Riverbank Warbler Walk – 7-8:30 pm, May 21
Look and listen for warblers and other songbirds with members of the Saskatoon Nature Society.

Where the Wild Things Are – 7 pm, May 22
Dr. Maureen Murray, Urban Wildlife Institute of Chicago, is the Festival’s keynote speaker. Her focus is helping humans and wildlife coexist in cities, for the good of both people and animals.
Fur in the City, Planet S magazine

Wild Spring Walk – 6:30-8 pm, May 23
Explore the ecosystem and habitat of George Genereux Urban Regional Park in Saskatoon’s West Swale.

Wetland Field Trip – 9 am-11:30 am, May 24 (date has been changed to May 24)
Join a class of students for a half-day hike at the Northeast Swale.

Spring Wildflower Walk – 9-11:30 am, May 26
Spot early-season wildflowers at Beaver Creek Conservation Area.

I Spy with my Wild Eye
iSpy with iNaturalist – 7-8:30 pm, May 23
Explore new and old techniques you can use to become a citizen scientist.

Putting Citizen Science into Practice – 10 am-12 pm, May 25
Visit the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Dundurn property and document your observations.


Art Naturally
Creative Collaboration with the Urban Beaver – May 21-26
Join Laura Hale, NatureCity Festival’s artist-in-residence, in creating a site-specific art installation using beaver chewed wood chips, beaver sticks, willow, and other natural materials to outline the path made by the beaver in travelling to and from the river.
1-5 pm, May 21-25 & 1-3 pm, May 26 – Gabriel Dumont Park
4-5 pm, May 26 – Prairie Lily Riverboat Cruise

Photographic Scavenger Hunt – 2-3:30 pm, May 25
Explore nature and leave it wild by taking photographs not samples on a walk along the riverbank.

Art en Plein Air – 1-4 pm, May 26
Using Remai Modern’s art supplies, head outside, and create your own artwork.

Play and Learn
Adventure Smart – May 21, 23, 25 & 26
Saskatoon Search and Rescue will share safe practices for outdoor activities and preventative measures for camping and hiking on 4 different occasions. They’ll be offering Hug a Tree and Survive, a program that helps lost children survive in the woods, from 7-8 pm, May 21, at the YMCA.

Storytime – May 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25
Enjoy stories inspired by the Festival during Baby Storytime, Family Storytime, and Sleepytime Stories at various branches of the Saskatoon Public Library on different days throughout the week.

Early Learning Goes Wild – 1-4 pm, May 25
Join Preston Early Learning for a nature walk, scavenger hunt, collage activity, and face painting.

Eat, Drink, and be Merry
NatureCity Awards Celebration – 7-8 pm, May 21
Celebrate the nominees and award winners – individuals, organizations, and businesses – for their contributions to conservation and respect of nature in and around Saskatoon.

The Path to Wild Food – 1-2:30 pm, May 24
Look for edible wild plants, from licorice to sarsaparilla, with Sandra Walker, an ethnobotanist.

NatureCity Beer Release – 8 pm, May 24
Enjoy a pint of beer brewed specially for this year’s Festival at 9 Mile Legacy Brewing and celebrate with Saskatoon’s own Parab Poet.

EcoFriendly Sask is an ongoing sponsor of Wild About Saskatoon's NatureCity Festival.