Sunday, 5 March 2017

Step Into Spring: Upcoming Nature-Friendly Events

Swainson's hawk

The EcoFriendly Sask Calendar is filling up quickly with interesting activities all around the province. Here are just a few – head on over to the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar to see what else might be of interest. 

Hawks, Mar. 10, Moose Jaw
Learn to identify some of Saskatchewan’s birds with help from Dave Stymeist who will be introducing the hawks of Saskatchewan at the Nature Moose Jaw meeting at 7 pm, Mar. 10, in the MJDS cardroom, Eaton building.

ForestART, July 3-7, Ness Creek
ForestArt, July 3-7, is an opportunity to spend 4 days in the boreal forest. Paint out of doors; use design and colour to translate your experience into lines on paper; try your hand at blacksmithing; using ancient encaustic techniques, create works inspired by your forest surroundings; or practise design and composition techniques that will enhance your landscape photographs. In addition to making art, there will be morning yoga, guided nature walks, and boreal forest-sourced appetizers.

Beekeeping, April, Prince Albert
A member of the Prince Albert Parkland Permaculture Guild has offered to host a beekeeping weekend in April.

In the meantime, you might be interested in a Mar. 10 introductory webinar on Biodynamic Beekeeping.

momma and ducklings

Escape into Nature, Mar. 14-16, Regina
Nature Conservancy of Canada is transforming the Art Gallery of Regina from Mar. 14-16 with displays, videos, interactive maps, and virtual reality showcasing their properties and habitats for species at risk.

We Are Water, May 23-28, Saskatoon
NatureCity Festival is asking for your help in showing off the wild side of the City of Saskatoon. Highlight the work you and your organization are doing while introducing your neighbours to the wild creatures and native plants that are all around us.

The theme of this year’s NatureCity Festival is We Are Water: Explore our Prairie Waterscape.

EcoFriendly Sask informs, encourages, and supports Saskatchewan environmental initiatives. Our EcoFriendly Action Grants are designed to prevent or reduce damage to the natural environment.