Tuesday, 14 March 2017
EcoSask News, March 14, 2017
Upcoming Events
Northern Owling Overnight Trip, Mar. 18/19 (Saskatoon)
The Saskatoon Nature Society is planning a northern owling overnight trip on Mar. 18/19. Check their website for more detailed information.
Saskatoon Zoo Society AGM, Mar. 19 (Saskatoon)
Find out about the programs offered by the Saskatoon Zoo Society at their annual general meeting, 1:30-3 pm, Mar. 19.
SK Breeding Bird Atlas, Mar. 20 (Regina)
Dr. Keil Drake will present the Saskatchewan Breeding Bird Atlas project at the Mar. 20 meeting of Nature Regina.
Healthy Yards for Prairie Gardeners, Mar. 21 (Saskatoon)
Find out about home composting, water conservation, native plants, pesticide reduction, and more at 7 pm, Mar. 21, at the Frances Morrison Library as part of the Sustainable Speaker Series.
GHG Reductions through Electrification, Mar. 21 (Regina/Saskatoon)
Alan Fogwill, Canadian Energy Research Institute, will speak on greenhouse gas emissions reductions in Canada through electrification of energy services from 10:30-noon, Mar. 21. The Johnson Shoyama Graduate School public lecture can be heard in either Regina or Saskatoon.
Zoodles, Mar. 22-Apr. 27 (Saskatoon)
Ryan Schmidt’s portraits of animals living at the Saskatoon Forestry Farm & Zoo will be on display in the Gallery at Frances Morrison Library from Mar. 22-Apr. 27.
Seed Bombs, Mar. 24 (Regina)
Teens are invited to a talk about native plants and creating green spaces in the community from 7-8:30 pm, Mar. 22, at the Prince of Wales Branch, Regina Public Library.
SK Wildlife Society AGM, Mar. 25 (Regina)
Todd Whiklo will talk about Alberta’s Sage Grouse Recovery Program during The Wildlife Society – Saskatchewan chapter’s AGM from 4-5:30, Mar. 25.
Public Pastures Public Interest AGM, Mar. 25 (Regina)
Public Pastures Public Interest will be holding their annual general meeting from 1-5 pm, Mar. 25.
Burrowing Owls, Mar. 25 (Regina)
Meet a burrowing owl at 1:30 pm, Mar. 25, at Cabela’s in Regina as part of SK-PCAP's Native Prairie Speaker series.
A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar
In the News
Usask Worms hopes to kick-start a vermicomposting revolution at the U of S
An on-campus solar array at the U of S will provide students with hands-on experience in renewable energy technologies
Saskatoon groups are proposing an electric car-share pilot program
Bokashi balls can clean polluted waterways. For more information, talk to Saskatoon’s Bokashi Ninja
The City of Regina's Landfill Gas to Energy Project generates one megawatt of power — enough to power 1,000 homes
Illegal farmland drainage is a huge problem in Saskatchewan (article and column)
Nature Conservancy of Canada has unveiled a new conservation area next to Grasslands National Park
An Ontario city is temporarily closing a road to protect endangered salamanders
Useful tips on how to protect existing trees on building sites
“Reliance on hazardous pesticides is a short-term solution that undermines the right to adequate food and health for present and future generations” (United Nations)
Inhabit: a documentary film looking at permaculture people and practices in over 20 rural, suburban, and urban environments
EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include.
You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).
Renewable Energy,