Tuesday, 7 February 2017

EcoSask News, February 7, 2017

Sandhill crane

Upcoming Events
Seed: The Untold Story, Feb. 15 (Saskatoon)
Permaculture Saskatchewan is hosting a showing of Seed: The Untold Story from 6:30-8 pm, Feb. 15.

Let’s Talk Solar, Feb. 15, 16, 22, 23 (SK) 
SaskPower is holding workshops in 4 communities to obtain input on how SaskPower can support solar power generation for residential, small and medium businesses, and communities in Saskatchewan. For further information, email solarconversation@saskpower.com.
Feb. 15 - Estevan
Feb. 16 - Regina
Feb. 23 - Swift Current

Beavers and Water, Feb. 16 (Saskatoon)
Cherie Westbrook will discuss beavers and the important role they play in regulating water flow at the Feb. 16 meeting of the Saskatoon Nature Society. Saskatoon Nature Society meetings are held monthly at 7:30 pm in Room 106, Biology Building, University of Saskatchewan.

Oxen to Oil, Feb. 15 – Mar. 16 (Saskatoon)
A photography series by Valerie Zink, taken during the height of Saskatchewan’s recent economic boom, considers the complex relationship between rural communities and the oil industry. It will be on display in the Gallery at Frances Morrison Library from Feb. 15-Mar. 16.

Burrowing Owls, Feb. 16 (webinar)
Corey Scobie, Government of Alberta, is offering a webinar about the influence of human development on burrowing owl habitat selection and reproductive success at noon on Feb. 16 as part of SK-PCAP’s Native Prairie Speaker series.

Great Backyard Bird Count, Feb. 17-20 (SK)
Join the Great Backyard Bird Count, Feb. 17-20, by tallying the number and kinds of birds you see.

Sandhill cranes

Looking Ahead
Conservation Awareness & Appreciation Supper, Feb.23 (Shaunavon)
Nature Saskatchewan is hosting a Conservation Awareness & Appreciation Supper in Shaunavon on Feb. 23. Meet a live burrowing owl and receive updates on the Stewards of Saskatchewan program. RSVP by Feb. 15.

Fire & Ice Winter Festival, Mar. 4-5 (Ness Creek)
The second annual Fire & Ice Winter Festival is being held at Ness Creek Mar. 4-5. Enjoy skiing, snow sculpting, and sleigh rides.

SustainTech, Mar. 16 (Saskatoon)
The SustainTech conference, featuring technologies and practices that promote sustainability and environmental responsibility, will be held in Saskatoon on Mar. 16.

A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar 

In the News
Evaluating pipelines - Will it move us towards a more promising future? 

“We settled the prairies by draining them and now we need to put [wetland] features back on the landscape that allow us to retain and manage the water that drains off”

“We are selectively determining which species [animals and plants] can live in cities” 

A guide to solar roof tiles - the next big thing

The Saskatchewan Breeding Bird Atlas is a five-year project teaming citizen scientists with professionals to deliver a province-wide account of the distribution and relative abundance of populations of breeding birds. You’re invited to participate if you have some experience and familiarity with how to identify birds. You don’t need to be an expert, but you do need to be confident in the identification of the birds that you report.

Photographs: Sandhill Cranes enjoying the winter sunshine in Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico (Andrew McKinlay)

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).