Tuesday, 23 August 2016

EcoSask News, August 23, 2016

mule deer

Upcoming Events
Book Club, Aug 24 (Saskatoon) 
The third and final session of the Climate Solutions Book Club will be held at 7 pm, August 24.

Wildlife Rehab. Volunteer Orientation, Sept. 11 (Saskatoon)
The Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Saskatchewan is holding a volunteer orientation session in Saskatoon from 1-3 pm, Sept. 11.

Looking Ahead 
David Suzuki, Sept. 18 & 19 (Saskatoon, Regina) 
David Suzuki will be attending the following events in Saskatchewan:
Saskatoon, Sept. 18
11 amLetters to my Grandchildren, The Word on the Street
1:45 pmThere’s a Barnyard in my Bedroom, The Word on the Street
7 pmClimate, Food and the Future, National Farmers’ Union
Regina, Sept. 19
Sept. 19University of Regina

Powershifting Saskatoon, Sept. 24 
You're invited to attend PowerShifting Saskatoon, Sept. 24, an action-based, collaborative workshop to address climate justice and reconciliation in our community. The event will bring together people from across the Saskatoon community to learn, un-learn, connect, and create around the idea of shifting power in our community, province and world. (supported by an EcoFriendly Action Grant)

A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar 

In the News
2015 Waste Minimization Awards 
Congratulations to the 2015 Waste Minimization Award recipients: Wally Lorenz, PV Waste Solutions, Envirotec Services, EPRA-SK, City of North Battleford, and North Central Community Association/City of Regina/Saskatchewan Roughriders.

Bird Year Pledge
A hundred years ago, Canada and the United States signed a treaty to protect birds: the Migratory Birds Convention. A century later, it’s your turn to sign your personal treaty with 8 different ways to protect birds.

Natural Neighbours: Selected Mammals of Saskatchewan 
Illustrated by Paul Geraghty, Natural Neighbours: Selected Mammals of Saskatchewan describes the appearance, habits, food, habitat, survival strategies, ecological relationships, status, and range of the various mammals found in Saskatchewan.

Nature-based Playground Equipment and Design
“Consider traditional play equipment for parks. Everything is metal and plastic, with hard concrete or padded rubber flooring. They are efficient and engaging for children, but also are industrial and inorganic. . . . 

imagine a playground that could fit into the urban green planning scheme. Not a metal tower, but the natural twist of a growing tree. Think of grass or dirt under those children's feet, and leaves above them. Picture play equipment that doesn't trap the heat of the sun. Imagine children playing outside, climbing a jungle gym made of wood or rock that can't poison the surrounding soil when it rains, as plastic does.” 

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).