Tuesday, 16 February 2016

EcoSask News, February 16, 2016

cross that bridge when you get to it

Upcoming Events
Ecological Literacy
Elizabeth Bekolay will be offering a free course on Ecological Literacy: Reconnecting with the Land on the first Saturday morning of each month. Space is limited; register in advance.

Seeds of Time, Feb. 25
The Saskatoon Food Council will be showing the film, Seeds of Time, at 7 pm, Feb. 25, at Station 20 West. The film tells the story of Cary Fowler’s efforts to protect biodiversity and food security.

Backyard Composting Workshop, Feb. 26 (Regina)
University of Regina Team Compost is offering a composting workshop on Feb. 26.

Confessions of a Wildlife Photographer Webinar, Feb. 26
Wildlife photographer, Kerri Martin, will discuss balancing her art with the wellbeing of the animals in the Confessions of a Wildlife Photographer webinar on Feb. 26.

Frostbike, Feb. 26 & 27
Tom Babin is a Calgary reporter who got tired of sitting in traffic and started riding his bike to work all year long. He is the author of Frostbike: The Joy, Pain and Numbness of Winter Biking and will be speaking and signing his book at McNally Robinson Booksellers at 7 pm, Feb. 26, and as part of Ice Cycle on Feb. 27.

Ice Cycle, Feb. 27
Saskatoon Cycles is hosting Ice Cycle, the coldest bike ride on the planet, at 5:30 pm, Feb. 27. Tom Babin, author of Frostbike, will be speaking at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market following the ride.

Making the LEAP: Seth Klein and Next Up Regina, Feb. 27/28
Next Up Saskatchewan is holding a conference on Building Skills for Social and Environmental Justice in Regina on Feb. 27 and 28 prior to establishing Next Up Regina.

Seth Klein, co-founder and director of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, will be speaking on Making the LEAP: Transforming Our Nations to Care for the Earth and One Another on Feb. 27. The talk is free; everyone is welcome to attend.

A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar 


Save the PFRA Pastures
Trevor Herriot says we have one last chance to save our PFRA community pastures. Ssend a letter now to your federal government representatives.

Have Your Say in Saskatoon’s Future
A plan that will determine land use around Saskatoon for the next 60 years is going forward for approval this month. Candace Savage (Wild About Saskatoon, Northeast Swale Watchers) is urging everyone to complete the online survey set up by the Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth before the Feb. 29 deadline.

Candace suggests considering the following points:“The reserve along the river should be wider, with public access throughout. Similarly, the conservation/drainage areas need to be more generous, including the corridors that connect the networks. This will improve their function both for water management and biodiversity. The big park space around Wanuskewin, on both sides of the river, is an excellent idea and deserves support. The plan builds in the idea of ‘complete communities,’ with jobs close to where people live, another plus. There's lots more to be said – is there no end to sprawl? no way to protect native prairie? – but we'll leave the rest to you. Might be the most important ten minutes of your week!" 

Useful tips to help you live waste-free. 

Our current system of recycling doesn’t make sense - environmentally or economically.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).