Tuesday, 15 September 2015

EcoSask News, September 15, 2015

rocks and bridge

Upcoming Events
Wildlife Rehab Fundraiser, Sept. 17
The closing date for Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation’s online auction is Sept. 17. Head over to their Facebook page and bid for a chance to watch a Riders’ football game with George Reed.

Garage Sale Fundraiser, Sept. 26/27
Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation is holding a garage sale fundraiser on Sept. 26 and 27.

Coyote Walk, Sept. 26
A presentation and roundtable discussion as part of the Conversation Series, sponsored by Void Gallery and Finding City Community Arts Inc., will bring attention to the entanglement among humans, domestic animals, and wildlife in Saskatoon. The Coyote Walk will take place on Sept. 26 in association with Nuit Blanche YXE.

Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference
The deadline for submitting abstracts for oral or poster presentations at the Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference has been extended to Oct. 2 (end of day).

Project Wet, Oct. 3 (Regina)
Sask Outdoors is offering a one-day Project WET workshop in Regina on Oct. 3. Project WET is a K-12 instructional resource covering topics such as climate and weather, water demand management, and conservation.

SK Energy Management Task Force, Oct. 7
The Saskatchewan Energy Management Task Force hosts monthly breakfast meetings with a guest speaker for professionals with an interest in the effective use of energy and its related aspects. The meetings start at 7 am at the Confederation Inn.

The Oct. 7 speaker is Kent Rathwell, Sun Country Highway.


Moose Mountain Gone Wild, Oct. 24
The first annual fundraiser for Moose Mountain Wildlife Rehabilitation will begin at 5 pm, Oct. 24, at the Red Market Barn north of Kenosee Lake.

From Rivers to Oceans, Nov. 2-4
Partners FOR the Saskatchewan River Basin will be holding their annual conference from Nov. 2-4 in Winnipeg. The conference will seek to make connections between the rivers in our watershed and their journey to the ocean.

A full list of upcoming events can be found on the EcoFriendly Sask Calendar

The Saskatoon CarShare Co-operative has launched a crowdfunding program to purchase two new cars so that they can expand their services to City Park and Downtown. All donations are welcome.

Agricultural products are one of the world’s biggest sources of plastic trash. Here are three ways that farmers are kicking the plastic habit.

A City of Saskatoon report shows that, while the City has initiated climate impact assessments, they have not yet begun to act.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. 

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).