Tuesday, 8 April 2014

EcoSask News, April 8, 2014


CarShare Co-operative, Apr. 15
The Saskatoon CarShare Co-operative is holding its first AGM at 7 pm, April 15 in Room 13 of the Albert Community Centre.

SES AGM, Apr. 16
The Saskatchewan Environmental Society is holding its annual general meeting on April 16 at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market. Wine and cheese is at 7 pm. At 7:30 pm, Dr. Jill Johnstone will speak on Disturbance, Inertia, and Resilience of Boreal Forests under Climate Change.

Great Big Book of SK Birds, Apr. 17
Join Stuart Houston, Al Smith, and May Haga at 7:30 pm, April 17, in Room 106 of the Biology building, U of S campus, when they describe for the Saskatoon Nature Society the making of a two-volume illustrated guide to Saskatchewan birds.

Southern Prairie Railway
The Southern Prairie Railway, an old-fashioned steam train with a 1922 Pullman passenger car, runs from Ogema to Horizon. They offer evening train rides on August 28 and September 6 to view the stars. A member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada will help participants find a number of near and deep-sky objects using binoculars.

Keeping up with the Keepers
Celebrate Mother’s Day (May 11), Father’s Day (June 15), or Grandparents’ Day (Sept. 7) with a feast with the beasts. Join the zoo keepers on their feeding rounds at the Forestry Farm, followed by a continental breakfast.


Thought Provoking
Prairie ranchers are very concerned about the impact of the Sage Grouse environmental protection order. Can ranching balance the needs of the environment and the economy?

Thumbs Up
Echinacea, a plant more commonly known for fighting colds, can also clean contaminated industrial soils.

Thumbs Down
City of Saskatoon officials have confirmed that contaminated water from the landfill could have reached the river.

The Meewasin Valley Authority has been forced to modify or eliminate a number of its programs because statutory funding from the province, city, and university has not kept pace with inflation, increased mandate, and population growth. This year the City of Saskatoon increased its funding by 4% and the University by 2%, but there was no increase from the Provincial Government. (Meewasin Board Meeting minutes for April 4, 2014)

The Government of Saskatchewan has simplified its oil and gas well licensing system and hopes that this will spur development in the southern Bakken region as well as the oil sands deposits in the north. They note a dramatic increase in the number of horizontal wells (which use significantly more water than vertical wells).

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

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