Tuesday, 15 April 2014
EcoSask News, April 15, 2014
Permaculture Potluck, Apr. 24
There will be a presentation on Radiance Cohousing at the April 24 meeting of the Permaculture Research Institute of Saskatchewan at the Saskatoon Food Bank & Learning Centre. Potluck is at 6:30 with AGM and presentation beginning at 7:30.
Environmental Film Festival, Apr. 24-27
Check out the great line-up of films for the 2014 Saskatoon Environmental Film Festival: transition towns, cycling, mining, e-waste, and solar energy.
Nature Society Field Trips
Join the Saskatoon Nature Society on one of their upcoming walks:
April 19 – Crocus hike to Peturrson’s Ravine (2-4 pm)
April 26 - Sharp-tailed grouse dance (5:45-8 am)
Golden Eagles Field Trips
Golden Eagles invites retirees to join one of their leisurely outings to view birds and enjoy local sites:
April 17 – Crocus trip to Peturrson’s Ravine, Strawberry Hills, and points east (8 am)
May 1 – Northeast Swale (7:30 am)
Young Naturalists Bluebird Trail
The Saskatoon Young Naturalists have been monitoring bluebird populations around Saskatoon since 1968. Contact Greg Fenty if you would like to help.
Take Action
We can make a difference. We just need to take action. Here’s one idea:
Encourage Saskatoon City Council to follow the City of Toronto’s guidelines for greening surface parking lots (e.g. landscaping and trees, storm water management on site).
Thumbs Up
A city-wide composting program may soon be introduced. In the meantime, be sure to sign up for the Green Cart program.
Thumbs Down
Fracking may have caused earthquakes in Ohio – what can we expect in Saskatchewan?
EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.
You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).