Tuesday 10 December 2013

EcoSask News, December 10, 2013

Environmental Film Fest
What films would you like to see at the Saskatchewan Eco Network’s 2014 Environmental Film Festival? Send in your suggestions by February 4, 2014.

Bert Weichel
Congratulations to Bert Weichel who has received the 2013 Meewasin Conservation Award. Bert is an environmental consultant and has been an active volunteer in the field of environmental sustainability for the past three decades. He was a founding member of the Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council and recently built his own straw bale house.

Take Action
We can make a difference. We just need to take action. Here are a couple of ideas:

Throw seed bombs not snow balls (Lumsden High School students collected wildflower seeds in the fall, made seed bombs, and are now launching them. The spring melt will dissolve the dirt and germinate the seeds.)

Plan a Waste-Less Holidays contest

“Let's imagine the rebirth of urban, local economies of maintenance and repair where libraries, community centres, markets, churches, galleries and pubs are used to combat a throw-away culture and fix electronics.”

Thumbs Up
The federal government has taken some initial steps to protect the Greater Sage-Grouse’s habitat but more still needs to be done

Ecosia, a new search engine, donates 80% of its income to a tree-planting program in Brazil

149 UK car parks are switching to LED lighting and anticipate a 65% energy reduction

Thumbs Down
“extremely high annual per capita [GHG] emissions of 65 tonnes in Alberta and 70 tonnes in Saskatchewan stem, in part, from oil and gas production, but also from the two provinces’ continued reliance on coal-fired electrical generation

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

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