Tuesday, 5 November 2013

EcoSask News, November 5, 2013


Bird Feeder Workshops, November
Stop by the Meewasin Valley Centre from 1-4 pm on November 9 & 10, 16 & 17, 23 & 24 to make a bird feeder. For more information, call 306.665.6888. Program cost is by donation.

Zero Garbage Baby, Nov. 19
Find out how Naomi of the Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council took on the ultimate personal challenge - getting her baby from zero to potty trained without a single disposable diaper, wipe, or pull up at 7 pm, November 19, at the Frances Morrison Library. This presentation is part of the Saskatchewan Environmental Society’s Library Speaker Series.

What Are Your Risks, Nov. 21 
KPMG and the United Way of Saskatoon and Area are hosting a seminar for non-profit organizations highlighting key financial and accounting risk areas that active board and audit committee members should focus on, including financial reporting, internal control, governance, and IT risks. Register online for this free event.

Lloydminster Waste Reduction Workshop, Nov. 27 
The Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council and the Recycling Council of Alberta are presenting a regional workshop in Lloydminster on November 27. Topics include demolition waste, plastics recycling, and composting.

Surface Rights Legislation Review, Nov. 30 
The Ministry of the Economy is seeking public comment on The Surface Rights Acquisition and Compensation Act. The Act is being reviewed to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of both landowners and industry stakeholders. A discussion paper and feedback options are available online. The tentative deadline for feedback is November 30.

Take Action: Apply for a Grant
It’s easy to become discouraged about climate change. It’s a lot harder to figure out ways in which we, as individuals or small groups, can make a difference. Here are some ideas. If you’re interested, be sure to apply for an EcoFriendly Action Grant.

Build an insect hotel

Sponsor a neighbourhood birds and windows campaign

Plan a lug-a-mug campaign for your office

Thumbs Up 
Brent Veitch of Rock Paper Sun says that solar power is now affordable for the average Saskatoon household.

The governors of California, Oregon, and Washington, along with BC Premier Christy Clark, signed the Pacific Coast Action Plan, making substantive commitments around carbon pricing, low-carbon transportation, energy-efficient buildings, and more.

Recycling and reusing demolition waste can help cities meet their environmental targets.

Thumbs Down 
Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions are trending up not down. Growth in the oilsands is the biggest barrier to getting Canada’s emissions on a downward track.

The increasing demand for palm oil is destroying forests and pushing orangutans to the brink of extinction. It’s time for consumers to stand up and say no.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

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