Monday, 7 January 2013

EcoSask News, January 8, 2013


Film Night, Jan. 9
The Saskatchewan Eco Network is showing Powerful: Energy for Everyone at 7 pm on January 9 at Root Down Cooperative Café. Mark Bigland-Pritchard will provide a short presentation about Green Energy Project Saskatchewan after the film.

Saskatoon Nature Society 
Join the Saskatoon Nature Society on the following bird walks:
January 13, 2-4 pm – Sanatorium and Riverbank Hike
January 19, 9-11 am – Montgomery Place Bird Walk

Energy-Efficient Homes, Jan.15
Ronn LePage will discuss Smart Green: Integrated Designs for Homes at 8:30 am, January 15, at Peter D’s Restaurant. Advance registration is recommended (

Fighting Climate Change, January 15 
Megan Van Buskirk attended the United Nations Climate Negotiations in 2010, 2011, and 2012. She’ll be speaking at 7 pm on January 15 at the Frances Morrison Library about the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the most recent discussions in Qatar. (co-sponsored by the Saskatchewan Environmental Society and Saskatoon Public Library)

Swift Fox, Jan. 16 
Shelley Pruss, Parks Canada, will speak on The Swift Fox: Back Home (Again)! on January 16 in Swift Current as part of the SK PCAP Native Prairie Speaker Series. Presentations are normally available online as well.

SOEEA AGM, Jan. 19
The SK Outdoor and Environmental Education Association is holding its Annual General Meeting on January 19 at Manitou Springs Mineral Spa. Register by January 15.

Gardeners’ Escape, Jan. 26
Join the Prairie Master Gardeners at their Escape Winter Workshop on January 26. Darryl Fehr of Little Tree Nursery will talk about the Urban Forest, and Branimir Gjetvaj will give a workshop on Flower & Macro Photography.

Native Plants – Native People, Feb. 8 & 9
Native Plants – Native People is the theme of the Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan’s annual meeting on February 8 and 9 at the German Concordia Club in Saskatoon. The conference will provide insight into how our natural world is woven into Aboriginal culture, both in a historical and contemporary context, and what our society today can learn from this.

Prairie Conservation & Endangered Species, Feb. 19-22
The Alberta Prairie Conservation Forum and the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists are hosting the 10th Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference from February 19-22 in Red Deer.

Beaver Creek
The old Meewasin skating rink shack has been moved to the Beaver Creek Conservation Area. Once it’s refurbished, it will host programs in cross-country skiing, photography and art classes, and interpretive theatre.

Interesting Reading
Improved pedestrian access spurs economic development in a California community
Hot bodies heat buildings in Minneapolis, Paris and Stockholm
Profile of Lorne Scott, SK conservationist and farmer
Are we prepared to change our lifestyles in order to save the environment?

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. Additional upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).