“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi

He teamed up with his sister, Penny McKinlay, to develop an online publication that took advantage of social media to spread the word about news stories and upcoming events as well as providing profiles of local people and places.
The Written Word
A Calendar page lists upcoming events, and we maintain the conversation on Facebook and Twitter.
EcoFriendly Action Grants
Moving Mountains
At EcoFriendly Sask, we believe that the written word and visual images are powerful tools for inspiring change. Here are some useful resources:
Orion magazine — a bimonthly, advertising-free magazine devoted to creating a stronger bond between people and nature.
Trevor Herriot, author of Grass, Sky, Song — Saskatchewan’s award-winning naturalist blogs about the spirit and beauty of the Northern Great Plains, addressing political and environmental issues.
The Centre for Civic Governance — The Centre works to support community leaders in addressing social and environmental challenges. They publish a Going for Green Leadership Handbook series.
International League of Conservation Photographers — working photographers with a demonstrable, sustained involvement in conservation.
Chris Helzer, a scientist for The Nature Conservancy, discusses how his love of photography and nature complement each other in a short video.
Ready, Fire, Aim
EcoFriendly Sask strives to inform, encourage, and support local environmental initiatives. As a small, personal initiative, we have the flexibility to respond to changing needs and requests. We welcome your suggestions. (Ready, Fire, Aim)