Tuesday, 18 September 2012

EcoSask News, September 18, 2012

Prairie-fed water systems, bird photography, bicycle music, kids gone wild for wildlife 
- an eco-eclectic collection 

Permaculture Research Institute, Sept. 20
The Permaculture Research Institute is holding a Potluck Supper followed by a discussion with Heather Noakes of Dirt Craft Natural Building at 6 pm on September 20 at the Unitarian Congregation of Saskatoon (213 2nd Street East).

Let's Do Local, Sept. 24-28
The public is invited to participate in Let’s Do Local, a week-long schedule of sustainability activities organized by the USSU at the University of Saskatchewan. Topics include solar energy, vermi-composting, and straw bale housing.

World Rivers Day, Sept. 30
Celebrate World Rivers Day from 1-4 pm on September 30 at Friendship Park next to the Meewasin Centre. Discussion and the documentary, The Story of Bottled Water, will start at 6 pm at Lydia’s on Broadway.

Bird Photography, Oct. 7
May Haga will give an hour-long presentation on her photography at the Mendel Art Gallery at 2 pm on October 7, followed by a walk along the river.

Prairie-Fed Water Systems, Oct. 17-19
Partners FOR the Saskatchewan River Basin and the Battle River Watershed Alliance are organizing a conference on Prairie-Fed Water Systems: Opportunities and Challenges in Camrose, Alberta, from October 17-19. Speakers will touch on the impacts of both flooding and drought, the effects on wildlife, and provide local stories.

It Ain’t Easy Being Green, Oct. 20
Mark Bigland-Pritchard and Mark Anielski will speak at a day-long workshop on Faithful Alternatives for Economics, Energy and Environment on October 20 at Oskayak High School. For more information and to register, phone: 306 242-1500 or email 2BorNot2BGreen@gmail.com.

Kids Gone Wild for Wildlife, October 27
Bring your family, dressed up as their favorite wild animals, to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Saskatchewan’s family fun and education event, Kids Gone Wild for Wildlife, on Saturday, October 27 from 9 am to 5 pm at Hall C, Prairieland Exhibition.

Saskatoon Nature Society
The Saskatoon Nature Society’s website provides additional information about the following events:

  • Forestry Farm Fall Sparrow Walk, 9-11 am, September 22
  • Outlook Goose and Crane Trip, 1:30-9 pm, September 23
  • Whooping Crane Outing, 8 am – 5 pm, October 13
  • Outdoor & Nature Photography, Cranberry Flats, 3:30-6 pm, October 14
  • The Northeast Swale presentation, Luc Delanoy, 7:30 pm, October 18

Will our community pastures be sold to foreign investors?
Paul Hanley and Trevor Herriot express concern that Saskatchewan's community pastures could soon be in the hands of foreign investors.

Worth Reading:

We’re going on holidays!
The EcoFriendly Sask family will be holidaying in Baja, Mexico, for the next couple of weeks, and I plan to be incredibly idle. So, no blog posts, no Facebook posts, no tweets! The next issue of EcoSask News will be on October 16.

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. A complete listing of all upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by email (top right corner).