Tuesday, 20 March 2012

EcoSask News, March 20, 2012

Fair Trade, March 21/22
Michael Zelmer, Fairtrade Canada’s Director of Communications will be speaking in Saskatoon this week:

7 pm, March 21How Fair is your Fair Trade? – presentation and fair trade fair (The Refinery)

3-4:30 pm, March 22Co-operative Solutions: How the Fair Trade and organic coffee markets support forested ecosystems on Nicaraguan coffee farms Centre for the Study of Cooperatives Lecture Series (Prairie Room, Diefenbaker Building, U of S)

Human Library, March 24
You can check out a book with a difference on Saturday, March 24, 10:30 am to 5 pm, at the Saskatoon Public Library. Rather than physical books, the Human Library provides an opportunity to talk to individuals, such as Karen, whose book is titled Growing Community with Community Gardens. An experienced community gardener, she is looking forward to discussing ways of producing healthy food and improving the local food system while also meeting new neighbours and getting more exercise.

Pelican Weekend, March 25
Visit the Meewasin Valley Centre from 2-4 pm on March 25 to discover some fascinating facts about pelicans, participate in a scavenger hunt, play pelican twister, and make a pelican craft.

Athabasca Sand Dunes Info Session, March 27
The Saskatchewan Outdoor and Environmental Education Association is planning an EcoTour trip to the Athabasca Sand Dunes. If you are interested, join them in person or via Skype from 6:30-7:30 pm on March 27 in the Trek School room, Sheldon Williams Collegiate, Regina. Email soeea.sk@gmail.com and indicate if you will be attending in person, via Skype (email your Skype user name), or if you cannot attend but would like more information.

Think Global Eat Local, April 13
CHEP Good Food Inc. and Health Everywhere will present the seventh annual Think Global Eat Local dinner at 6 pm, April 13, at the Hilton Garden Inn. The meal, featuring international cuisine, will be followed by a silent auction, entertainment, music and dancing. The proceeds help support CHEP’s community food programming.

Bicycle Valet Coordinator
Saskatoon Cycles is looking for a contractor to manage the 2012 Bicycle Valet program.

North American Prairie Conference, August 6-10
The North American Prairie Conference is five days of sessions, field trips and workshops on native prairie management, inventory, restoration, history, native landscaping, and more. This year’s conference is being held in Winnipeg, the first time ever in Western Canada. To participate or be a sponsor, contact info@napc2012.org

Field Guide of Medicinal Plants
The Standing People: Field Guide of Medicinal Plants for the Prairie Provinces by Kahlee Keane is back in print. Courtney Milne, photographer and author, said that Keane “offers us another way of looking at the plant world. In this comprehensive guide that combine scientific information with history, folklore, individual stories and experience, she has relocated the use of medicinal plants to the realm of personal relationship with the healing power of the natural world.”

EcoFriendly Sask shared the following articles on  Facebook  and  Twitter  this past week:
Downtown design rules overdue
Earth Hour 2012: Will giving 60 minutes for the planet matter?

EcoSask News is a weekly round-up of local news and events. Email us if you have items you would like us to include. A complete listing of all upcoming events can be found on our Calendar.

You can follow EcoFriendly Sask by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or  by email (top right corner).